※ 引述 《yf15114915 (just)》 之銘言:
: https://tinyurl.com/y76f35sr
: 英國衛報用大篇福報導高雄衛武營的藝文中心
: 雖然有些只有練肌肉沒有練腦的人把衛武營嫌東嫌西
: (對,我真的滿生氣的)
: 但是衛武營的落成已經引起國際主流媒體的注意和報導
: 英國衛報(The Guardian)用大篇福的介紹報導衛武營
: 以下是報導內容:
: (看有沒有好心人要協助翻整篇的)
: Epic scenes: the biggest arts venue on Earth lands in Taiwan
: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
: Boasting the largest organ in Asia and four theatres, this enormous
: performing arts venue invites people to exercise, nap and even break
: into song.
: Oliver Wainwright @ollywainwright
: Fri 19 Oct 2018 13.19 BST
: Last modified on Fri 19 Oct 2018 22.39 BST
: Shares 5,252
: Comments65
: National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts.
: ‘We wanted it to feel as informal as seeing a performance in a
: park’ … the National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts.
: Looking like the colossal love child of a container ship and a
: whale, writhing above the treetops of Weiwuying park in the southern
: Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung, the world’s largest performing arts
: centre has a suitably immense presence. By turns galumphing and
: graceful, the roughly £260m hulk contains an opera house, concert
: hall, theatre and recital hall, seating up to 7,000 people within
: its curvaceous shell. As Taiwan faces ever more pressure for
: assimilation from mainland China, whose cultural building boom has
: led to a new museum or concert hall open practically every week in
: recent years, the National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts, AKA
: Weiwuying, is a monumental statement that this plucky nation means
: business on the international cultural stage.
: Gaping openings in the building’s hefty flanks beckon you into a
: cave-like landscape, where the floor rides up in great waves as the
: ceiling plunges down to meet the ground, forming a world of tunnels
: and canyons. The glossy-white steel skin is sliced open in places,
: bringing shafts of light into the space and offering intriguing
: glimpses of the venues within. It provides cooling respite from
: the tropical heat of this coastal city, channelling the breeze beneath
: its bulging belly to make a welcome place for picnics, tai-chi, yoga
: classes and some exhilarating swings.
: “We were struck by the informality of the performing arts in Taiwan,”
: says Dutch architect Francine Houben, whose practice, Mecanoo
: (designers of the Birmingham Library), won the competition for the
: project in 2007. “Chinese opera has its origins in street theatre,
: so we wanted to make a place that would feel as casual and informal
: as going to see a performance in the park.”
: Cooling respite … a yoga class at the National Kaohsiung Centre.
: The venue’s ambience is more that of a leisure centre than an opera
: house, particularly compared with Taipei’s national theatre and
: concert hall, each built in 1987, which stand on either side of the
: capital’s central square, like a pair of regal temples from the
: Forbidden City. By contrast, Weiwuying’s artistic director, Chien
: Wen-Pin, hopes people will spill into its theatres from the park,
: and treat it as their living room. “We had over 50,000 people turn
: up to our open day,” he says. “People occupied the space in a way
: were weren’t planning or expecting, taking their shoes off, doing
: exercise, lying in the shade, even breaking into song as they entered
: the concert hall.”
: Featuring the largest organ in Asia, designed as two thickets of
: bamboo with more than 9,000 pipes, the concert hall is a swirling
: symphony of oak and champagne-coloured seats, with a 22-tonne acoustic
: reflector dangling ominously from the ceiling. Despite its 2,000-person
: capacity, it feels surprisingly intimate, the furthest seat being
: 30 metres from the conductor. The Parisian magician of acoustics,
: Albert Xu, built a 1:10 model of it to ensure it provides the perfect
: reverberation time for everything from a classical orchestra to the
: twanging of the Taiwanese aboriginal mouth harp. He also worked his
: magic on the other three spaces, each designed with a distinct
: character and calibrated to accommodate a variety of art forms.
: Pipe up … the centre’s concert hall, home to Asia’s largest organ.
: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Pipe up … the centre’s concert hall,
: home to Asia’s largest organ.
: The 434-seat recital hall has an asymmetrical seating layout, “so
: more people can see the pianists’ fingers”, say the architects,
: while its panelled walls can rotate to provide different levels of
: absorption, whether it’s hosting harsher classical Chinese music or
: jazz, or softer baroque chamber music. The playhouse, with deep blue
: seats, can accommodate an orchestra to the side of the stage
: (important for Chinese opera, where there must be a direct line of
: sight between the musicians and performers). Meanwhile, the deep red
: 2,236-seat opera house enjoys a humungous backstage, four times the
: size of the auditorium, conceived as a “theatre machine” that can
: contain the scenery and equipment for five different shows at once.
: “It’s even bigger and better equipped than Beijing’s opera,” Houben
: whispers conspiratorially about an important point of national pride.
: If the auditoria are exemplars of their kind, then the circulation
: and foyer space between them feels a little like an afterthought.
: With the four ovoid venues set in a rectangular volume stretching
: 225 metres long by 160 metres wide, there is a lot of leftover space,
: mainly decked out with acres of grey carpet, plasterboard walls and
: suspended ceiling tiles, every surface painted black or white, giving
: it a rather bleak, monotonous feeling. Within the building there is
: little of the spatial drama promised by the undulating plaza outside.
: Instead, it has the air of a deep-plan office block with theatrical
: ambitions.
: The architects are quick to point out that the budget is actually
: very tight for a project of this scale, which necessitated some of
: the prosaic fittings. While Jean Nouvel’s Philharmonie de Paris
: cost £340m, and Herzog & de Meuron’s Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg
: was a whopping £690m (each housing a single auditorium), Mecanoo
: has provided four theatres in one for a fraction of the price.
: Rough and ready … an exterior view of the recently completed
: Weiwuying.
: The robust, rough-and-ready quality is also somehow appropriate
: for the nature of this no-nonsense port city. “We wanted it to have
: the detailing of a cargo ship, not a luxury yacht,” says Houben,
: referring to the visible steel welding joints between the panels
: of the building’s billowing white hull. Those who aren’t told
: of the container ship allusion might just think it is badly finished,
: but various nautical markings reinforce the seafaring air.
: The bigger question is if this city of three million, which has
: enjoyed a single 1,600-capacity theatre until now, has the ability
: to fill such an enormous complex on a regular basis. The director
: of the £106m National Taichung theatre, another ambitious cave-like
: opera house, an hour away by train and built by Toyo Ito in 2015,
: admits it is struggling to sell tickets to its current run of
: Wagner’s Siegfried, after the novelty of the venue’s opening has
: worn off. Taipei, meanwhile, awaits the opening of its long-delayed
: £133m performing arts centre designed by OMA, another theatre,
: concert hall and blackbox auditorium combined in a thrilling
: multilayered transformer of a building.
: It is an extraordinary abundance of venues for one country to be
: opening in the span of a few years, all planned in the mid-2000s
: by different regional and national administrations. As China
: picks off Taiwan’s allies with dollar diplomacy (only 17 countries
: now recognise the island as independent, thereby disqualifying
: themselves from formal relations with China), it seems as if
: cultural diplomacy is one of the few weapons it has left.
: If the palpable level of excitement in Kaohsiung on the opening
: night of Weiwuying last week is anything to go by – when tens
: of thousands gathered in the park for a spectacular gala performance
: staged on the building’s outdoor amphitheatre, complete with
: an aerial ballet of drones – there’s an eager population waiting
: to fill its great halls with life.
: 我想這麼大篇福的報導應該可以把館長的臉打到都腫了!
: 對了,為了怕看不懂英文而且缺乏知識常識的館長說他沒聽過衛報
: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%9B%E5%A0%B1
: 這是衛報中文的維基百科
: 《衛報》與《泰晤士報》、《每日電訊報》同為英國三個著名的高級報紙。
: 衛報是英國除了泰晤士報外排名第二的高級報紙
: 為了怕館長連什麼是高級報紙(High Quality Newspaper )都不懂
: 先跟館長解釋一下,高級報紙又稱作上層報紙,嚴肅報紙
: 高級報紙的讀者對象和廉價報紙不同,主要是給社會中上層,
: 如政界、工商界和知識界的人士看的(客層就不是館長這種練肌肉不念書的)
: 它們的新聞則主要是以嚴肅、客觀的新聞為主,內容主要是有關政治、經濟、
: 軍事、社會等方面的重大內容,文字嚴謹。
: (就不像館長的直播內容,只會罵髒話連基本的常識都缺乏)
: 英國衛報和泰晤士報以及美國紐約時報、華盛頓郵報、日本朝日新聞等報紙
: 這些報紙因為他們的報導的品質和內容,在全世界有著舉足輕重的影響力
: (就不是台灣大多數垃圾報導的水準)
: 我實在不想口出惡言,但如果你覺得高雄真的又老又窮,
: 覺得高雄都是乞丐,你支持館長失智等級的言論,你就投他挺的人
: 如果你和衛報一樣肯定高雄的衛武營,期待更多進步和感謝這些推手
: 你就給那些曾經在這個建設備後努力的人一些掌聲吧
: 謝謝