※ 引述《Kunoichi (くのいち)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《lixinai (風中蟾蜍)》之銘言:
: : 日本和新加坡都已經買到F35了,台灣還被迫要買過時的F16
: : 等到台灣被美國害到不得不跟中國打起來的時候,天曉得F16多快會被擊墜
: F-35 目前買不到 最大原因是人家日韓投資遠大於台灣很多
: 而且人家國內沒有舔中派
: 新加坡也只是說他們想換F-35 根本離到手還有很遠的路要走
: 你說新加坡已經買到F-35 是在發布假消息嗎?
: 最重要的是 F-16V 中華民國空軍是主要投資者
: 而且目前F-16V電戰能力 是僅次於F-22 F-35的存在
: 跟對岸開打 保證電翻對岸所有機種
: 國軍先使用自己投資的成果 請問哪裡不對?
: 難怪人家說ptt的柯粉很多根本就假柯粉真藍粉紅粉 我看"雖不中亦不遠矣"
→ cppwu: Slovakia的訂單是29.1億鎂,14架等同近千億台幣01/20 10:22
是沒錯啦 但好像是報價
https://goo.gl/zcnhbQ 2018/4/4
WASHINGTON — The State Department on Wednesday approved two major sales of
aircraft to foreign militaries, including F-16s for Slovakia and CH-47
helicopters for Spain.
Slovakia hasn’t announced a winner for its fighter jet competition yet, but it
’s not unheard of for the State Department to preemptively approve a sale in
order to help expedite a future deal.
The weapons package, worth an estimated $2.91 billion, could contain as many as
14 Block 70/72 F-16Vs, up to 16 General Electric F110 or Pratt &Whitney F100
engines and associated guns, radars, electronic warfare gear, and
communications and navigation systems.
噓 wenge321: 你貼的新聞14架賣13億美金?台灣66架要130億美金?01/20 10:19
要不要仔細看新聞?? 13億鎂 是俄國媒體自己瞎猜的
俄國一定武器沒賣成,亂講價,擾亂市場! 可是路透社也是這樣說耶
https://goo.gl/oH9QdY 2018/7/11
WASHINGTON ─ Slovakia has decided to purchase 14 new Lockheed Martin F-16
fighters to replace its Russian made MiG-29 jets.
However, the ministry did not put a final price tag on the F-16 purchase, but
Reuters reported that the dollar figure could be €1.1 billion (U.S. $1.3
billion) for the 14 jets.