※ 引述《Tsuzichen (Zoo)》之銘言:
: 每個人對軍事預算的概念都不一樣,同樣的價格,買相同的東西,有人會覺得貴,也有人覺
: 得便宜,
: 你捫心自問,你看到軍購花4000億,心裡第一個念頭是?
: 1.好貴,有必要嗎?
: 2.因為旁邊有中國,所以可以接受
: 3.太少了吧,才4000億?
: 4.我的稅金又被亂花惹
不貴啦 4000億買什麼鬼都不知道? 美國賣的一定便宜啦
根據報導 這4000億(130億鎂) 是美國給我們買66台 F16V的報價
https://goo.gl/zcnhbQ 2018/4/4
WASHINGTON — The State Department on Wednesday approved two major sales of
aircraft to foreign militaries, including F-16s for Slovakia and CH-47
helicopters for Spain.
Slovakia hasn’t announced a winner for its fighter jet competition yet, but it
’s not unheard of for the State Department to preemptively approve a sale in
order to help expedite a future deal.
The weapons package, worth an estimated $2.91 billion, could contain as many as
14 Block 70/72 F-16Vs, up to 16 General Electric F110 or Pratt &Whitney F100
engines and associated guns, radars, electronic warfare gear, and
communications and navigation systems.
國務院跟斯洛伐克報價 14台F16V 29.1億鎂
https://goo.gl/RV9umn 2018/7/11
“Slovakia will pay 1.589 billion euros for 14 fighter jets, pilot training,
ammunition and two-year logistical support,” Pellegrini told reporters."
斯洛伐克總理說:14架F16V及飛行員訓練,彈藥和兩年後勤 15.89億歐元(18億鎂)
The contract with Lockheed Martin will be signed by the end of this year,
Finance Minister Peter Kazimir said.