Re: [新聞] 被噁洋男逼脫褲擦屎身心受創 受害空姐:我要申請留職停

作者: wenge321 (wen)   2019-01-21 16:52:12
※ 引述《MayorKoWenJe (中国台北台北市长柯文哲)》之銘言:
: apple
: 被噁洋男逼脫褲擦屎身心受創 受害空姐:我要申請留職停薪
: (新增:工會統計蒐集案例、當事人說心中陰影)
: 昨傳出長榮空姐在洛杉磯返台班機,遭一名重達2百公斤的白人男性要求不合理服務,不
: 僅咆哮要求空姐協助如廁,還要空姐幫脫穿內褲大便和擦屎,且竟還在空姐幫擦屁股時發
: 出令人作嘔的呻吟聲,此離譜事件造成在場空姐身心嚴重受創,也是發生在台灣空姐身上
: 最離譜的奧客案例。工會控訴,這名白人去年5月搭乘長榮也做出相同要求,空服員不答
: 應,竟直接在座位拉屎,讓長達10多小時的長程航班旅客忍受惡臭,就是因為公司未落實
: 拒載黑名單,導致此人得寸進尺,一再挑戰空服員的服務界線。
: 今天下午2時空服工會為此召開記者會發表訴求,被該名奧客要求脫褲的郭姓空姐首度現
: 身,她回憶事發經過忍不住流淚,郭姓空姐說,直到現在,公司都沒主動關心過她,只會
: 一直質疑她、質疑座艙長為何照片會外流?現在她只想去看心理醫生,她也想申請公殤假
: 或留停,她真的需要專業的協助。
: 白人乘客脫序行為不只一次  去年5月直接拉屎在座位上
: 郭姓空姐說,當時被此名旅客要求脫褲時,拿了毯子要去遮掩該名老外的生殖器,竟被他
: 直接打手、用力打掉,當座艙長幫他擦屁股時,竟連三次說deeper,隨後還指著她、要求
: 她幫忙穿起褲子。工會控訴,這名白人去年五月搭乘長榮也做出相同要求,空服員不答應
: ,竟直接在座位拉屎,讓長達10多小時的長程航班旅客忍受惡臭,就是因為公司未落實拒
: 載黑名單,導致此人得寸進尺,一再挑戰空服員的服務界線。
: 郭姓空姐表示,該架飛機航程共14小時,但飛了2小時30分後,該名外籍乘客就說要上洗
: 手間,還說因為自己體型大,所以要上商務艙廁所,並表示自己右手開刀,無法自己走路
: ,要求她幫忙。郭姓空姐說,基於人道,當然要協助他離開廁所。當時有3位組員扶著他
: 到商務艙廁所,但他進去不到1分鐘,坐在馬桶上就按鈴要求服務,他說我內褲脫一半,
: 我無法上廁所,妳進來幫我託內褲;當下郭姓空姐表示無法接受,職責不是脫內褲,但對
: 方卻持續咆哮,說自己內褲只脫一半,後面脫不下來,你現在進幫我脫,不然我要拉出來
: 了。
: 後來另名空服趕緊拿來毯子要遮住外籍男子的生殖器,「但他卻粗魯地打我的手」、「我
: 們就看到他的生殖器了」,郭姓空姐說,後來我只能環著他,幫他把內褲脫下來。郭姓空
: 姐說,他大便時還要求把門打開,因為他說他自己在廁所裡無法呼吸,不過沒有接受;14
: 、15分鐘過後,他就說他上完了,結果卻脫著褲子坐在馬桶上,要求空服員幫他擦屁股。
: 郭姓空姊當下回他說我無法幫你,但外籍客人卻咆哮說「你答應過我的!你有答應要幫我
: 擦屁股!」
: 郭姓空姐說,後來因為考量飛航安全,加上還有商務艙客人要服務,無法把他一直留廁所
: 內,後來是座艙長幫他擦屁股,「擦屁股的當下,他還一直發出嗯、歐,deeper」,還抱
: 怨沒有擦乾淨,最後座艙長幫他擦了3次。當擦完屁股,他還要求我幫他穿上內褲,我只
: 好在馬桶還有他的大便情況、在他生殖器裸露狀況下,走到他後面幫忙拉起褲子,「你知
: 道他是那麼大隻,當下我在他後面,就覺得逃不出去」說完這些過程,郭姓空姐再度掩面
: 哭泣,她說,每講一次就是一次傷害,但公司沒有主動關心她,只頻問為何會拍下這種照
: 片?
: 據了解,此事爆發後,才得知此名白人奧客行徑已不只一樁,空服員間早耳傳要提防此人
: ,但因公司無全面性的預防作為,導致這次出現如此離譜的噁心額外要求。長榮航空公司
: 昨晚雖對此發聲明表示空姐是公司的資產,也宣稱第一線空服員可拒絕,但至今尚未對此
: 事件提出具體的因應措施,諸如將此人列拒載黑名單或提出性騷擾告訴等行動。
: 工會表示,目前了解曾經遭遇該名外籍乘客不合理要求服務共計有3起,一次是之前直接
: 在坐椅上大便,還有一次是他蓄意將飲料打翻在他自己前胸,要求空服員幫忙擦拭,還說
: You can do better than me;也有一趟是泰籍組員說他自己帶尿壺上飛機,尿在尿壺裡
: 後要求空服幫他清洗。
: 工會指出,目前不清楚公司那邊收到多少份有關這名乘客的異常報告,不過要是有異常情
: 況,組員都會如時回報,倘若公司表示收過1次報告,那有追蹤嗎?有列管嗎?組員事前
: 完全沒有接獲相關消息,「這是我們認為長榮航空失職的地方,且就這次事件發生後,公
: 司從沒有主動關心、聯繫過當事人。」
: 郭姓空姐表示,碰到此事後,我崩潰了,只能先把自己關在廁所冷靜,而且後來我離開廁
: 所繼續工作時,我完全無法靠近他那邊走道,我只能走另外一側,且我還能感覺他的眼神
: 一直告訴我,為何妳不走我這邊?
: 郭姓空姐說,直到現在,公司都沒主動關心過我,只會一直質疑我、質疑座艙長為何照片
: 會外流?現在我只想去看心理醫生,我也想申請公殤假或留停,我真的需要專業的協助。
: 長榮表示,今天上午已初步召開會議討論該名白人旅客後續該如何處置,據目前了解,該
: 名白人旅客過去搭乘過長榮航空20多次,該公司僅接獲客艙組員回報過1次,時間點是在
: 去年,說明該名客人身體不方便,但長榮因稱涉及旅客隱私,不便透露此人是否也曾向空
: 姐提出過協助如廁脫褲擦屎等不合理要求。
: 桃園市空服員職業工會今天下午2時舉行記者會發表4點訴求,籲請全台資本家正視服務業
: 工人的尊嚴,希望長榮航空能予以回應並妥善處理,而非僅止於個案,應視為制度性的改
: 善。當時被要求幫胖男脫褲而目擊胖男裸露生殖器的郭姓空姐,也因此遭受身心創傷,為
: 其他空服員權益,她今天下午在記者會中首度現身,挺身而出說明事發經過和對空服員的
: 身心創傷。《蘋果》也將在官網和粉絲專頁全程直播記者會內容,帶讀者掌握此事件發展
: 的最新進度。(生活中心/台北報導)
照片 應該是指這幾張老外的照片吧
EVA Airways BR15 (Boeing 777-300ER)
Departure date/time: Thu-Jan-17 @ 11:32PM PST
Arrival date/time: Sat-Jan-19 @ 5:47AM
Origin: LAX
Destination: TPE (layover)
Passenger's final destination: BKK (Bangkok, Thailand)
All quoted statements are as direct and accurate a translation as I can
provide, based on the Chinese articles.
On this particular flight, was a Caucasian American who was about to
traumatize the experience of the ALL-FEMALE flight crew.
The obese passenger was seated in the economy cabin, but insisted that his
obesity prevented him from using the economy cabin's lavatory. After
thoughtful consideration, the flight attendants allowed him to use the
business class lavatory.
The nightmare that followed, utterly ruined the crew's day, and traumatized
one particular flight attendant.
This passenger claimed that his right arm was still recovering from surgery.
He needed assistance onto, and off of the toilet seat.
He then demanded that they keep the door open for better circulation, WHILE
Fortunately (for everyone), the flight attendant insisted on closing the door.
After the crew assisted him into the lavatory, this passenger immediately
pressed the [Call Light]. He told them that he had only taken his underwear
off halfway, and was unable to pull it the rest of the way down.
With his legs spread, and GENITALS EXPOSED, he pointed at a flight attendant,
"You do it. You agreed to assist me."
The flight attendant put a blanket over his legs cover up the obscene sight,
and told him that she was unable to help him remove his underwear. The
passenger said, "I've got it only halfway down, how do you expect me to
[poop]? Hurry up and help me take it off! You just said you were willing to
assist me."
The flight attendant, already feeling violated for having been exposed to his
genitals, very hesitant put on a pair of gloves, approached him, and actually
pulled down his underwear for him.
You'd think this would've been the end...
After the passenger finished his business, he then announced that he was
finished. The flight attendant opened the door, and saw him still on the
This was when he asked to have a flight attendant WIPE HIS BUTT.
The same flight attendant responded, "I can't do that, this is too much.
We're an all-female crew, EVA does not have male flight attendants. There is
nobody who can assist you." The passenger snapped back, "You agreed!"
Nearly in tears, she replied, "I agreed to help you onto and off from the
toilet seat, not to help you wipe."
... but the passenger kept at it, "You agreed! I've already [pooped]. If
nobody helps me, would you like me to just stay here [for the rest of the
At this point, the flight attendant tells the Chief Purser that she couldn't
bring herself to do it.
In the end, the flight crew agreed that they couldn't have a passenger
causing such a commotion. So the Chief Purser put on 3 layers of gloves,
and... with the help of the first flight attendant holding the passenger up,
proceeded to wipe his butt.
As she did the deed, he called out, "MMMMMM~~~ Deeper... Deeper~~~"
After all was said and done, the flight attendant retreated back to the crew
lavatory, vomited, and sobbed. She later recounted how she felt, "I never
thought I'd see this day, never thought about wanting to resign so
desperately, never felt so violated."
Now... at this point, there may have been a sliver of possibility that the
passenger was truly in need of assistance (although the "Deeper... Deeper..."
moaning was absolutely despicable, in my opinion). If this were the case,
then the ordeal endured by the cabin crew may not have been completely in
However, this wasn't the case.
Upon landing, the passenger told the crew that he needed the biggest
wheelchair they had waiting for him at the gate. Otherwise, walking by
himself would cause his foot to blister/ruptures (approximate translation).
Thus, there was a male, gate crew member waiting at the gate, with a
wheelchair. The crew member asked the passenger whether he needed to use the
restroom [again], and whether he needed assitance.
The passenger replied, he needed to use the restroom, BUT REQUIRES NO
* He wanted the female flight attendants to help him remove his underwear and
wipe his ass, BUT...
* He didn't need the male gate crew memeber to assist him in the restroom at
作者: kuromai (暮)   2019-01-21 16:56:00
作者: yellowsayshi (YellowSaysHello)   2019-01-21 17:00:00
作者: Kosmosinsel (Kosmosinsel)   2019-01-21 17:02:00
TWnese are easy.
作者: sagarain (HNY 2010)   2019-01-21 17:06:00
作者: max60209 (人參無長)   2019-01-21 17:16:00

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