※ 引述《olmtw (支持htc,支持台灣貨)》之銘言:
: 台灣淪為籌碼 時代雜誌:川普暫緩對台F-16V軍售案
: 美國《彭博新聞》上月21日曾稱,川普政府內部已默許對台出售60多
: 架F-16V戰機,但《時代雜誌》(Time)周四(4日)引述3名美國官
: 員說法,指川普政府「已暫停」向台灣出售F-16V,直到美、中達成
: 貿易協議後,再來做後續的研議。部分美國官員憂心,川普可能為求
: 貿易協議,而對中國的姿態軟化。
: https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190406/1545960
Taiwan Won't Get U.S. Fighter Jets While Trump Seeks a China Deal
By John Walcott and Justin Worland
April 5, 2019
The Trump Administration has put on hold a previously reported sale of jet
fighters to Taiwan until the United States seals a trade deal with China,
three Administration officials told TIME on Thursday.
That decision has contributed to concern among some in the Administration
that the President may soon go soft on China in his desire to secure a trade
deal. The draft trade agreement currently under negotiation would boost Trump
’s political fortunes and ease the jittery stock market, but it is unlikely
to address many of the issues at the core of the U.S.-China trade dispute,
said the U.S. officials, who spoke anonymously because they aren’t
authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
The move underscores the complexity and difficulty of balancing U.S.
relations with an increasingly powerful China against the American commitment
to help Taiwan defend itself. The White House’s initial decision, first
reported late last month, to offer tacit approval for Taiwan to buy 60
Lockheed Martin F-16V fighter jets was widely seen as a U.S. show of strength
against China.