g56 (^___^)
2020-01-05 14:35:00※ 引述《HwaSIn (基佬的小黃瓜)》之銘言:
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: 1.媒體來源:
: 英國每日郵報
: 2.記者署名
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: Britain sends two warships and SAS to the Gulf to 'protect our ships and
: citizens' in the wake of assassination of Qassem Soleimani as protests break
: out across world and Boris Johnson prepares to fly home on Sunday to deal
: with crisis
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: [新聞重點整理]
: ● HMS Montrose and HMS Defender are accompanying British-flagged oil tankers to
: the Strait of Hormuz
: 兩艘戰艦與一艘油輪前往荷姆茲海峽
: ● Boris Johnson is flying back to the UK from his holiday to Mustique on Sunday
: after being criticised for silence
: 懶惰的首相被人幹譙後,星期天從度假中的小島要飛回英國。
: ● Iranian official said 35 US targets, including warships and Tel Aviv, have
: been identified for retaliatory strikes
: 伊朗官方說有35個目標包含美國戰艦與特拉維夫市,被認定為報復的目標。
: ● Anti-war protests broke out across the world against Donald Trump's
: escalation of conflict
: 反戰遊行在世界各地爆發,反對川普升高衝突。
: ● Thousands of furious mourners chanted 'Death to America!' during Soleimani's
: funeral in Baghdad today
: 幾千個陪將軍出山的憤怒群眾,高唱死吧美國。
: Britain has deployed two warships to the Persian Gulf in the wake of the US
: drone strike on Iran's top general Qassem Soleimani amid fears of escalating
: conflict.
: 在美軍無人機打死伊朗將軍後,因擔心衝突升高,英國派遣兩艘戰艦前往波斯灣。
: HMS Montrose and HMS Defender, a Type 23 frigate and a Type 45 destroyer,
: will be accompanying British-flagged oil tankers to 'take all necessary steps
: to protect our ships and citizens', it was revealed tonight.
: 分別為Type 23護衛艦及Type 45驅逐艦,並跟隨一艘油輪,保護英國船艦及公民
: 的安全
: Defence Secretary Ben Wallace ordered the warships to the Strait of Hormuz to
: ensure the ships make it through the perilous region safely.
: 國防部長命令前往荷姆茲海峽的戰艦,保護英國船隻可以安全通過危險的區域。
: Around 50 members of the SAS are also heading to the Middle East tonight to
: help with a potential evacuation of Britons.
: 約50名英國特種部隊也正在前往中東,去幫助可能發生的撤僑行動。
: British troops could be vulnerable as many are stationed alongside their US
: counterparts and could be in one of 35 targets identified by Iran for
: retaliatory strikes.
: 英軍部隊與駐紮在當地的美軍夥伴,可能是在35個報復打擊目標之一。
: On Sunday, Boris Johnson will fly back to the UK from his holiday in Mustique
: as he faces the biggest test of his diplomacy in his premiership so far.
: 星期天,英國首相將會從度假中返回英國,因為他面臨了目前總理任期內的最大考驗。
: Mr Johnson was not warned of the drone strike, unlike Israeli Prime Minister
: Benjamin Netanyahu, and he gave a four-letter response upon first learning of
: the news.
: 英國首相表示 : "Fuck",美國你要空襲伊朗的將軍你要先講啊。
: 以色列總理都知道,怎麼我不知道 ?
: (因為你在度假吧 ? 標準歐洲人的慵懶,人家美國跟伊朗幹起來了還在睡)
: Amid rising anger among ministers over America's failure to give the UK
: warning, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hit back by criticising the
: British Government's cool response to the killing of Soleimani.
: 就在首相不爽的時候,美國國務卿也很不爽英國對空襲一事沒有任何公開支持的回應。
: Downing Street staff are now scrambling to mount a response by arranging for
: Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to fly to Washington for talks with Mr Pompeo
: – and to examine options for boosting the British military presence in the
: region.
: 唐寧街的英國高官們正在爭相對美國示好,表示要安排外相飛去華盛頓討論後續在中東的
: 軍事部屬
: Furious British security officials have also accused No 10 of allowing a
: 'political vacuum' to open up while Mr Johnson was on holiday in the
: Caribbean, during which he failed to make any comment on the incident.
: 我看不懂,自己看原文...
: Downing Street insisted that Mr Johnson would be briefed in full on the
: situation once he returns to work, including on the possibility of
: retaliatory actions Iran might take against the UK.
: 唐寧街(英國D.C.)堅信首相從度假回國後,將會獲得完整局勢的簡報。
: 包含後續伊朗可能會波及英國的報復行動
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://tinyurl.com/vjmsk7f
: 6.備註:
: 英美一家親