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1.媒體來源: Bloomberg
2.記者署名:Bloomberg News with assistance by Colum Murphy
3.完整新聞標題:China to Sanction U.S. Officials in Retaliation Over Hong Kong
China will sanction 11 Americans in retaliation for similar measures imposed
by the Trump administration on Friday, according to Foreign Ministry
spokesman Zhao Lijian.
中共外交部發言人照例姦(音譯 Zhao Lijian)表示中共將會制裁十一名
Those sanctioned include Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, Human Rights
Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth and Michael Abramowitz, the president
of Freedom House, Zhao told a briefing in Beijing.
名單包含參議員Marco Rubio 與 Ted Cruz 還有其他人
The U.S. on Friday said it was placing sanctions on 11 Chinese officials and
their allies in Hong Kong, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam, over their
roles in curtailing political freedoms in the former British colony.
U.S. Sanctions Hong Kong’s Chief Carrie Lam Over China Crackdown
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