Scion (噓噓~~噓噓哥)
2020-09-22 04:03:59要說雙標,我記得2016有個人說
"I made it absolutely clear that I would go forward with a confirmation
process as [Senate Judiciary] chairman, even a few months before a
presidential election, if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not
merely the consent, of the Senate, just as the Constitution requires,"
"The Senate will need to fulfill its constitutional responsibility by
considering, debating and voting on that nominee. My purpose was not to
obstruct, but to call for two important goals:
restoring a more consultative process between the White House and the
Senate in filling Supreme Court vacancies, and encouraging the
nomination of a consensus candidate who could lower the partisan
temperature in the country."
※ 引述《ilw4e (可以吃嗎?)》之銘言:
: 美國參院正在發言
: 最近美國大法官死掉,然後一堆共和黨的在那邊說會支持川普提的任何人
: 可是2016年3月的時候這堆共和黨的議員一路擋歐巴馬提的大法官擋到選舉
: 後,那時各種冠冕堂皇的理由就是"要讓人民來決定"、"讓人民表示意見"
: 。結果現在這堆拉基全部180度轉彎,這次只隔4X天急著要通過川皇提的人
: 各家新聞都放一堆當年這些咖各種意氣風發的發言,有幾隻在選完後還持
: 續多次發言,明確說"如果川皇最後一年碰到這種情形他就是支持要選舉後
: 再提人"。對比現在完全反著幹,美國是不是也有雙標黨共和黨?