: 噓 hw102050: 多數國家鑽車縫違法? 出國看看好嗎 10/22 08:09
: → hw102050: https://youtu.be/TQBDQK1owuQ 10/22 08:10
: → hw102050: 還有台灣跟很多國家一樣,「平面」鑽車縫只是不違法,汽 10/22 08:12
: → hw102050: 機車重機法規上都沒有限制靜止車流鑽車 10/22 08:12
安安 我又來打重機騎士的臉了
Vehicle overtaking and passing another
4. The driver of a vehicle who intends to overtake and pass another vehicle
proceeding in the same direction may, if he sees the driver of the latter
vehicle make the signal to turn to the right or left as required by rule 2
and take the position required by rule 7, overtake and pass the said vehicle
on its left or right side.
Positioning of vehicle before making a turn at road intersection or junction
7. The driver or rider of a vehicle who intends to turn to the right at an
intersection or junction of roads shall, before reaching such intersection or
junction and as opportunity offers, move into the appropriate lane as
indicated by the directional arrows to turn right and any driver or rider of
a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall, as opportunity offers, move
into the appropriate lane as indicated by the directional arrows to turn left.
而第7條寫了什麼呢 他說必須要到appropriate lane
appropriate lane的意思知道是什麼嗎 適當的車道
也就是說如果旁邊的車道有車 就不能超車
不是車道之間的那條線 要在車道內 ok?
這邊的rule 2主要說的是打方向燈的時機我就不貼了