gk1329 2020-10-25 10:30:23這世界上愚蠢的事
※ 引述《EvilisGood (Hustler)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: Independent
: 2.記者署名:
: Danielle Zoellner
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: 川普:檢測武漢肺炎很愚蠢
: Trump says 'in many ways it's foolish' to test for Covid after US suffers
: record number of new cases
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: Donald Trump has again made the claim that the only reason why coronavirus
: cases are up across the United States was because of the increased testing
: initiative.
: 川普又一次宣稱,
: 確診病例之所以會再度飆高,只是因為檢測數量變多。
: It was reported on Friday that the US recorded its largest single-day jump in
: cases since the start of the coronavirus pandemic – with 83,000 new Covid-19
: cases.
: 美國日前以83000確診病例再創單日新高紀錄。
: Mr Trump addressed the rise in cases during a campaign rally in Lumberton,
: North Carolina, on Saturday by blaming testing.
: 川普把確診病例飆高一事怪罪到檢測上。
: “You know why we have cases? It’s because we test so much,” the president
: told his rally crowd. “In a lot of ways it’s good, and in a lot of ways it’
: s foolish.”
: 川普:
: 「你們知道我們為什麼有這些確診病例嗎?
: 這是因為我們檢測太多了。
: 就許多方面來說,這樣很好;
: 而就許多方面來說,這樣很愚蠢。」
: The president went on to state that the Covid-19 mortality rate was down “
: because of the therapeutics”, which was correct, but that other countries
: didn’t have as many cases because they didn’t test as much, which was
: incorrect.
: 川普表示,武漢肺炎死亡率下降是因為治療奏效了,這點沒錯;
: 但他說其他國家的確診病例之所以比較少,
: 是因為他們檢測數量沒有那麼多,這倒是說錯了。
: “If we tested half, cases would be half," Mr Trump said.
: 川普:
: 「如果我們只檢測一半,
: 確診數量就會變一半。」
: Testing the public for coronavirus not only informs health officials how
: widespread the novel virus is within a community, but it also helps them
: trace who else might have it and stop it from further spreading.
: 大眾檢測可以幫助公衛官員了解社區感染狀況,並加以追蹤截斷。
: Turning a blind eye and testing half as much, as the president suggested,
: would cut down the number of reported cases but would not stop the virus from
: spreading to others. Instead, decreasing testing would likely further
: increase the number of infections.
: 若依照川普建議,
: 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,只檢測一半數量的話,
: 的確可以將確診病例減半,
: 但這樣無法阻止病毒擴散,
: 反倒會增加感染人數。
: During the rally Mr Trump added: "That's all I hear about now. Turn on
: television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid’.
: 川普:
: 「我現在打開電視只會聽到武漢肺炎。」
: "A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don't talk about it. 'Covid Covid
: Covid Covid.' By the way, on November 4th, you won't hear about it anymore.
: 'Covid! Covid! Please don't go and vote, Covid!'"
: 「飛機墜落,死五百人,沒有人會提。
: 只會一直講武漢肺炎。
: 等到11/4,你就不會再聽到這個詞了。
: 『武漢肺炎!武漢肺炎!別去投票!武漢肺炎!』」
: The president focused on cases as the leading data point causing concern
: across the country. But hospitalisations are also on the rise.
: 川普只把確診數當作為頭號數據,
: 而這讓全美都憂慮不已,
: 但住院人數也在增加。
: In Wisconsin, 90 per cent of hospital ICU beds are full, Governor Tony Evers
: said on Friday. The state opened a makeshift field hospital and accepted its
: first patient on Wednesday to manage the surge.
: 威斯康辛州有九成加護病床都滿了,
: 當地於是加開野戰醫院來應急。
: In the month of October, 37 states have reported an increase to their
: hospitalisation rate – including the rate doubling in states like
: Connecticut, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming.
: 在十月,就有三十七州的住院率都呈現增加的狀況,
: 而在康乃狄克、蒙大拿、新墨西哥和懷俄明,
: 住院率都加倍成長。
: North Carolina was one of the states reporting an increase in both cases and
: hospitalisations. Additionally, the state reported its highest number of new
: cases in a single day this week.
: 北卡羅來納的確診數和住院率都在增加,
: 單日確診數也在本週再創新高。
: Although the coronavirus mortality rate has been down in recent months, it
: was currently on the incline following the increase in cases and
: hospitalisations.
: 儘管近幾個月來的死亡率開始下降,
: 但隨著確診數和住院率再度上升,
: 死亡率又逐漸成長了。
: On Wednesday, the US posted more than 1,100 new deaths, the highest death
: toll in a single day in more than a month.
: 美國週三有逾1100人死亡,
: 這是近一個多月來最高的單日死亡人數。
: The full impact of the current rise in coronavirus cases on the mortality
: rate won’t be known for another three to four weeks, as the death toll
: remains a lagging indicator behind the case count and hospitalisation count.
: 要再過三、四週,
: 我們才能知道這一波確診數上升對死亡率的影響。
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://bit.ly/35v48jt
: 6.備註:
: 飛機墜落死500人 vs 武漢肺炎死23萬人 Docchi?