Chris Burns
Study clears up shark “sword” battle mystery
Chris Burns - Nov 23, 2020, 1:39pm CST
有關上面提到的研究的更多信息,請查看研究論文劍魚Xiphias gladius和大眼脫粒器鯊
魚Alopias superciliosus之間的致命相互作用。這篇論文發表在魚類學研究領域的coe
DOI:10.1007 / s10228-020-00787-x中。本文的作者包括Patrick L. Jambura,JuliaT
ürtscher,JürgenKriwet和Sara AA Al Mabruk。
Study clears up shark “sword” battle mystery
Chris Burns - Nov 23, 2020, 1:39pm CST0
A shark washed ashore this year in Libya, on the Mediterranean coast. It was
April, and a group of citizen scientists captured photos and video of the
creature as it appeared DOA at the edge of the water. The shark was a bigeye
thresher (Alopias superciliosus), and it had (what appeared to be) a sword
embedded in its back. NOTE: Photos above and below were captured by The
Ichthyological Society of Japan, 2020.
This shark isn’t small. It’s not the sort that’d go around attacking
sword-wielding humans unprovoked – but the sword wasn’t the sort that a
human would use, anyway. The broken weapon in this shark was the pointed,
flat bill of a swordfish. But why would a swordfish attack another shark?
Above and below you’ll see images captured of the shark as it washed ashore
earlier this year, as well as imagery from the research paper published about
this shark’s ultimate fate.
Researchers Patrick L. Jambura, Julia Türtscher, Jürgen Kriwet, and Sara
A.A. Al Mabruk took the dead shark in for study, and released their results
in a paper with the scientific publication Ichthyological Research. They
discussed how the shark died, and how the most likely reason why a swordfish
“sword” was found inside was a battle over prey.
“The most likely scenario is that both species were hunting on a school of
fish or on squids in the deep,” said Jambura with Live Science this week. “
We know that the swordfish attacked from above — the shark was most likely
not even aware of the danger [it] was in until it was too late.”
For more information on the research noted above, take a peek at the research
paper Deadly interaction between a swordfish Xiphias gladius and a bigeye
thresher shark Alopias superciliosus. This paper was published with coe
DOI:10.1007/s10228-020-00787-x in Ichthyological Research. Authors of this
paper include Patrick L. Jambura, Julia Türtscher, Jürgen Kriwet, and Sara
A.A. Al Mabruk.
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