2021-01-17 15:47:02※ 引述《hips (hips)》之銘言:
: 推 fw190a: 疑,這篇是要背書文法有唯一解,還是一個中國原則? 01/14 20:08
: 若是他說的Free China就是指一個國家, 那句話就不能加冠詞了.
: 既然加了冠詞, 就表示free只是形容詞.
: 至於這個China指誰我想很清楚.
: 你有認識中國人可以去問看看他覺得這個China指誰.
: 我是覺得你少閉門造車了 多讀點書吧
: 然後各位ROCer, 別自慰了, 這世界上沒人在乎你們. 可撥.
The Japanese occupation ended with the imperial surrender in 1945, but the
term "Free China" was soon to acquire a new meaning in the context of the
early Cold War. Following the Communist Party's victory in the Chinese Civil
War in 1949, the newly inaugurated People's Republic of China solidified its
control of mainland China, while the Kuomintang government retreated to
Taiwan and selected Taipei to serve as the provisional capital of the
Republic of China. Mainland China was officially considered to be in a state
of "Communist Rebellion", and furthermore all territories still under
Nationalist administration were said to constitute the "Free Area" of China.
This "Period of Communist Rebellion" was officially terminated by the
government on 1 May 1991 with the implementation of the Additional Articles
of the Constitution.