kyeiwai (古)
2021-02-14 09:36:46緬甸和平示威 太過有秩序,軍政府釋放出2萬3千名囚犯,夜晚用「救護車」讓囚犯到各
城鎮「放火,在飲用水投毒,硬闖民宅」以便達到「社會動盪和分散民眾 示威體力」就
可以軍事鎮壓;目前民眾倫班守護家園,願各大新聞媒體可以 了解並報導此事真像
To all my fans around the world,
‼ I would like to request one help from you...
please tell the truth about our country if internet lines are all cut off .
Myanmar , our country is not safe anymore. We always have to be afraid
what is gonna happen to us at night and in the morning as we don’t have a g
ood leader. We used to have our hero leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been det
ained by Myanmar Military Coup since 1st Feb, 2021.
We cannot sleep safely & soundly like we used to because Military soldiers r
elease prisoners/inmates to attack civilians. They are asked to set fire up, b
reak in to the houses at night and put poison in our drinking water. Citizens
of Myanmar lost safetiness. We cannot sleep at night. Even polices and soldier
s are harming people and we are feeling really helpless.
I cannot think why they could do that to us.
It makes my heart breaking into pieces.
Please share this with the hashtag of ( what is happening in Myanmar) to be
seen by your countries’ leaders. We really need immediate help and humanitari
an needs from your leaders. Their helps and support will not only effect on me
but also it will be effective to all my people who are living in Myanmar
Save Myanmar with your supports,
I will be very appreciate for your help.
#SaveMyanmarCitizens #SaveMyanmarDemocracy
#PrayForOurLeader #AungSanSuKyi