※ 引述《zuan (Hello)》之銘言:
: 新聞來源:路透社
: 連結:https://reurl.cc/kZVk3b
: 關於嬌生的聲明報導:
: However, Johnson & Johnson said it was only negotiating with government bodies and supranational organisations like the European Commission for vaccine purchases.
: "We are not working with or through third parties for vaccine access during the current emergency pandemic period," it said in a statement to Reuters.
: 嬌生公司公開聲明,該公司只跟政府或像歐盟這類超國家組織接洽疫苗採購。
: 「在目前疫情緊急狀態,我們不與的第三方合作買賣疫苗,或者通過第三方取得疫苗。」
: __
: 嬌生說他們原廠直出啦,捧佛光山打CDC的白費力氣囉