[新聞] Nike執行長明言:「Nike是一個中國的,也

作者: normanT (門中有心)   2021-06-25 13:59:22
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Financial times

Sara Germano
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Nike chief executive says brand is ‘of China and for China’

John Donahoe’s defence comes after sportswear group was ensnared in controver
sy over Xinjiang
Nike chief executive John Donahoe gave an impassioned defence of his company’
s business in China, months after the world’s largest sportswear brand became
ensnared in a consumer backlash over its past statements on Xinjiang.
“Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,” Donahoe said on Thursday i
n response to a question from an analyst regarding the competition Nike faced
from other brands in the region.
In March, Chinese state media circulated a months-old statement from Nike that
expressed concern over reports of forced labour in Xinjiang. More than 1m Uyg
hurs are known to have been detained in the western region, which produces mor
e than four-fifths of China’s cotton.
The re-emergence of Nike’s statement sparked criticism from celebrities, inc
luding pop star and then-Nike brand ambassador Wang Yibo, who said he would cu
t ties with the sportswear maker. A statement on Nike’s website says it does
not source any products or supplies from the region.
Shares of Chinese athletic brands that compete with Nike in the region, includ
ing Li Ning and Anta Sports, rose initially in early April amid the backlash a
gainst western brands, which included Swedish fast-fashion chain H&M.
In financial results released on Thursday, Nike reported sales in greater Chin
a of $1.9bn for the three months ended May 31, up 17 per cent from the same pe
riod in 2020.
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