原文 https://rsf.org/en/news/rsfs-2021-press-freedom-predators-gallery-old-tyrants-
縮 https://reurl.cc/NrNYv9
記者無國界組織(RSF) 2021年"新聞自由掠奪者"榮譽榜
Nearly half (17) of the predators are making their first appearance onthe 2021
list, which RSF is publishing five years after the last one, from 2016. All are
heads of state or government who trample on press freedom by creating a
censorship apparatus, jailing journalists arbitrarily or inciting violence
against them, when they don’t have blood on their hands because they have
directly or indirectly pushed for journalists to be murdered.
名單的37中 有17位是自上一次發布(2016)以來第一次上榜
The average age of the predators is 66. More than a third (13) of these tyrants
come from the Asia-Pacific region.
這些暴君的平均年齡是66歲 超過三分之一來自亞太地區
Each of these predators has their own style. Some impose a reign of terror by
issuing irrational and paranoid orders. Others adopt a carefully constructed
strategy based on draconian laws.
有的透過不合理又偏執的秩序進行恐怖統治 有的則精心策畫建構了嚴酷的法律體系
New entrants
The most notable of the list’s new entrants is undoubtedly Saudi Arabia’s 35-
year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who is the center of all power in
his hands and heads a monarchy that tolerates no press freedom. His repressive
methods include spying and threats that have sometimes led to abduction,
torture and other unthinkable acts. Jamal Khashoggi’s horrific murder exposed
a predatory method that is simply barbaric.
他的技能是間諜與脅迫 有時候包含綁架與酷刑
對記者哈紹吉的暗殺 是其經典之作
參見 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202102270007.aspx
The new entrants also include predators of a very different nature such as
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whose aggressive and crude rhetoric about
the media has reached new heights since the start of the pandemic, and a
European prime minister, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, the self-proclaimed champion
of “illiberal democracy” who has steadily and effectively undermined media
pluralism and independence since being returned to power in 2010.
自新冠疫情以來 他對媒體的粗魯言詞達到新高
另一方面 匈牙利總理奧班·維克多自2010年重新掌權後
他一向自稱是狹義民主(illiberal democracy)的支持者
Women predators
The first two women predators are both from Asia. One is Carrie Lam, who heads
a government that was still democratic when she took over. The chief executive
of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since 2017, Lam has proved to be
the puppet of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and now openly supports his
predatory policies towards the media. They led to the closure of Hong Kong’s
leading independent newspaper, Apple Daily, on 24 June and the jailing of its
founder, Jimmy Lai, a 2020 RSF Press Freedom laureate.
The other woman predator is Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh’s prime minister since
2009 and the daughter of the country’s independence hero. Her predatory
exploits include the adoption of a digital security law in 2018 that has led to
more than 70 journalists and bloggers being prosecuted.
他在2018年過了一項數位安全法 導致超過70名記者與網路寫手被起訴
Historic predators
Some of the predators have been on this list since RSF began compiling it 20
years ago. Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and Ali Khamenei, the Supreme
Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, were on the very first list, as were two
leaders from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, Russia’s Vladimir
Putin and Belarus’s Alexander Lukashenko, whose recent predatory inventiveness
has won him even more notoriety. In all, seven of the 37 leaders on the latest
list have retained their places since the first list RSF published in 2001.
敘利亞總統阿塞德, 伊朗最高領袖哈米尼, 俄羅斯總統普亭, 白羅斯總統盧卡申科
自RSF於2001年發布第一分名單以來 共有7個人保住了他們的位置
Three of the historic predators are from Africa, the region where they reign
longest. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 79, has been Equatorial Guinea’s
president since 1979, while Isaias Afwerki, whose country is ranked last in the
2021 World Press Freedom Index, has been Eritrea’s president since 1993. Paul
Kagame, who was appointed Rwanda’s vice-president in 1994 before taking over
as president in 2000, will be able to continue ruling until 2034.
而2020年上任的盧安達總統 保羅·卡加米預計將任職到2034年
For each of the predators, RSF has compiled a file identifying their “
predatory method,” how they censor and persecute journalists, and their “
favourite targets” – the kinds of journalists and media outlets they go after
. The file also includes quotations from speeches or interviews in which they
“justify” their predatory behaviour, and their country’s ranking in the
World Press Freedom Index.
每一位"掠奪者" 記者無國界組織(RSF)都替他們建立了一份檔案
內容包含他們擅長的技能 與最喜歡攻擊的目標 像是媒體或記者的種類
並且包含他們為自己的辯解 以及其國家在世界新聞自由指數中的排名
縮 https://reurl.cc/O0RR9A
以下為 2021年"新聞自由掠奪者" 全體榜單
白羅斯總統 盧卡申科 https://i.imgur.com/urYEHn3.jpg
車臣總統 拉姆贊·卡迪羅夫 https://i.imgur.com/0UZ47AS.jpg
匈牙利總理 奧班·維克多 https://i.imgur.com/FgMVv0O.png
俄羅斯總統 普亭 https://i.imgur.com/UY5r0RG.jpg
香港特首 林鄭月娥 https://i.imgur.com/VztEazD.png
北韓最高領導人 金正恩 https://i.imgur.com/WiQOsJo.jpg
中國共產黨總書記 習近平 https://i.imgur.com/Lnd4Tp8.jpg
柬埔寨首相 洪森 https://i.imgur.com/oFiyhuY.png
新加坡總理 李顯龍 https://i.imgur.com/Cp2osn7.png
緬甸軍政府領導敏昂來 https://i.imgur.com/fYWL3Zh.png
越南共產黨總書記 阮富仲 https://i.imgur.com/AnjQrTT.jpg
泰國總理 帕拉育 https://i.imgur.com/1CbmBYY.jpg
菲律賓總統 杜特地 https://i.imgur.com/wSiEsjs.png
孟加拉總理 謝赫·哈西娜 https://i.imgur.com/kHOVmZU.png
印度總理 莫迪 https://i.imgur.com/tcxZxzp.png
斯里蘭卡總統 戈塔巴雅·拉賈帕克薩 https://i.imgur.com/Hw8H2SR.png
巴基斯坦總理 伊姆蘭 https://i.imgur.com/eItHuMJ.png
伊朗最高領袖 哈米尼 https://i.imgur.com/WesRW0t.jpg
敘利亞總統 阿塞德 https://i.imgur.com/DHQ9mI0.jpg
塔吉克總統 埃莫馬利·拉赫蒙 https://i.imgur.com/FhPEbV1.png
土庫曼總統 庫爾班古力·別爾德穆哈梅多夫 https://i.imgur.com/SG0RpQR.jpg
巴林國王 阿勒哈利法 https://i.imgur.com/LnwLbUt.jpg
亞塞拜然 總統 伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫 https://i.imgur.com/6koBygm.jpg
沙烏地阿拉伯王儲 沙爾曼 https://i.imgur.com/XyCZy6G.png
土耳其總統 艾爾多安 https://i.imgur.com/vByn2jg.jpg
埃及總統 塞西 https://i.imgur.com/n3JjSLt.jpg
吉布地總統 伊斯梅爾·奧馬爾·蓋雷 https://i.imgur.com/iKiyyKy.png
厄利垂亞總統 伊薩亞斯·阿費沃爾基 https://i.imgur.com/O6PogQT.jpg
喀麥隆總統 保羅·比亞 https://i.imgur.com/UzCYi6n.png
盧安達總統 保羅·卡加米 https://i.imgur.com/0dYjx3e.jpg
南蘇丹總統 薩爾瓦·基爾 https://i.imgur.com/sW7Pf9Z.jpg
赤道幾內亞總統 恩格瑪 https://i.imgur.com/tStU3sr.jpg
烏干達總統 穆塞維尼 https://i.imgur.com/njQrGg8.png
尼加拉瓜總統(台灣友邦) 丹尼爾·奧蒂嘉 https://i.imgur.com/kkCqWYG.png
巴西總統 波索納洛 https://i.imgur.com/lAg8DFt.png
古巴總統 狄亞士-卡奈 https://i.imgur.com/Gvw8N8z.png
委內瑞拉總統 尼古拉斯·馬杜洛 https://i.imgur.com/KCh16Oe.jpg