※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: ETToday新聞雲
: 2.記者署名:
: 記者王致凱/台北報導
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: 快訊/BNT疫苗最快「下周送到」! 路透:台灣提前拿到第一批
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: 台灣有望提前收到第一批BNT疫苗!路透社引述消息人士多說法,由於中國當局延後批准
: 使用BNT疫苗,因此將有額外劑量供應給台灣,首批BNT疫苗最快9月初就能抵達台灣。
: 根據路透社報導,有知情人士透露,由於中國監管當局延後批准在其境內使用BioNTech公
: 司的COVID-19疫苗,原先預計運往中國的100萬劑以上疫苗,將改在8月底至9月初之間送
: 達台灣,比原訂計畫提早一個月左右。
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20210825/2064543.htm
: 6.備註:
: 無
路透社的原文 https://reut.rs/3gwpL9a
The made-in-Germany vaccines Taiwan will get will have labelling in the
simplified Chinese characters used in China though not in Taiwan, along with
the name of Shanghai Fosun, according to the first source.
臺灣拿到的這些德國製造疫苗 將會有簡體中文的標籤 以及上海復星的字樣
Responding to requests for comment for this article, Gou's spokesperson
referred Reuters to Taiwan's health authorities.
對於這篇報導 郭台銘的發言人請路透社去詢問台灣衛生機關
Health Minister Chen Shih-chung told reporters he could not say when the
vaccines would arrive, as there were still some procedures that needed to be
completed, and dismissed any concerns about the labelling.
"During this period of time, epidemic prevention is our only consideration.
The important thing is whether the vaccine is safe and effective," he added.
衛福部長陳時中表示 無法回應疫苗何時抵達 也不對標籤有任何擔憂
"在這個時期 我們只關注防疫 重要的是疫苗是否安全有效"
The BioNTech vaccine drama has transfixed Taiwan and dominated headlines.
While a relatively small domestic coronavirus outbreak is well under control,
fewer than 5% of its 23.5 million people are fully vaccinated.
這場疫苗大戲佔據了臺灣新聞頭條 臺灣控制住了小規模的疫情爆發