[問卦] 印度不能有反婆羅門言論?

作者: remora (remora)   2021-09-11 11:44:58
Chhattisgarh CM’s father arrested over anti-Brahmin statements; didn’t seek
bail, sent to jail
RAIPUR: Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel’s father Nand Kumar Baghel
has been sent to a 15-day judicial custody by a court in Raipur for allegedly
making derogatory remarks ag inst the Brahmin community.
賴布爾:印度恰蒂斯加爾邦首席部長Bhupesh Baghel的父親因對婆羅門發表貶損言論,被
「CM’s father Nandkumar Baghel was arrested from Delhi and brought to Raipur
on Tuesday. He was produced before a local court in Raipur and as he did not s
ubmit an application for bail, he was sent on judicial remand of 15 days,」 Ra
ipur superintendent of police Prashant Agrawal told TOI.
賴布爾警長Prashant Agrawal告訴《印度時報》:「首席部長的父親Nandkumar Baghel在
An octogenarian, Nandkumar Baghel, was booked on Sunday by Raipur Police for m
aking derogatory remarks ag inst the Brahmin community. He had repeated his an
ti-Brahminical tirade during his visit to Lucknow recently, the video of which
was widely circulated on social media.
一位名叫Nandkumar Baghel的八旬老人周日因發表貶損婆羅門社區的言論而被賴布爾警方
Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday had ensured that appropriate action will be taken ag
inst his father in the matter stating, 「It has come to my notice that my fath
er Nandkumar Baghel made certain remarks ag inst Brahmin society. I am sad tha
t these remarks have hurt the sentiments of this community besides causing dge
to social harmony. My ideological differences with my father are well known t
o everyone.」
周日,Bhupesh Baghel 保證將對他的父親採取適當行動,他說,「我注意到我的父親Nan
dkumar Baghel發表了一些反對婆羅門的言論。我很難過,這些言論不僅破壞了社會的和
「My po itical thoughts and beliefs are different from my father’s. As his so
n, I respect him, but as a chief minister I cannot forgive his remarks or mist
akes that could disturb social harmony,」 Baghel said, adding: 「The law is eq
ual for all and police will ensure appropriate legal action.」
「For the go nment, nobody is above the law, not even my 86-year-old father. T
he Chhattisgarh go nment respects and honours the feelings of all castes, all
re gions, and all communities,」 Baghel said, adding that he came to know abou
t talk on social media that action is not being taken ag inst Nandkumar becaus
e he is the CM’s father. 「Our go nment gives importance to all and is commit
ted to precting everyone’s constitutional s,」 CM Baghel said.

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