※ 引述《shirleyEchi (雪米菓)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《johnhmj (耗呆肥羊)》之銘言:
: : 《美國變相承認「中國疫苗」? 接種科興、國藥11月有望正常入境》
: : https://bit.ly/3lVuhjE
: : https://www.ettoday.net/news/20210924/2086790.htm
: : 2021-09-24 19:31:00
: : 記者林彥臣/綜合報導
: : 美國疾管中心(CDC)日前表示,接種獲得世界衛生組織(WHO)緊急授權 (EUA)疫苗
: ?
: : 士,將視為完全接種,由於WHO認證的疫苗,也包括中國的科興與國藥疫苗,如果屆時
: 按
: : 原定政策執行最新的邊境管制措施,這等於是美國變相承認中國疫苗。
: : 白宮於20日宣布,外國旅客入境美國,需在登機前出示「完全接種疫苗」或「3日內陰
: 性
: 檳榔渣到底在爽什麼
: 持有3日內陰性報告跟完全接種疫苗都能進入美國
Foreign nationals flying to the United States will be required
to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus when the policy
takes effect in early November, said White House coronavirus
response coordinator Jeff Zients.
Vaccinated travelers will also have to test negative for the
virus within three days of departure, and unvaccinated Americans
returning to the United States will be required to test negative
within one day of leaving and again after arriving.
I should say, in early November, we’ll be putting in place strict
protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from passengers flying
internationally into the United States by requiring that adult
foreign nationals traveling to the United States be fully vaccinated.
Obviously, this is the conclusion of a policy process on that
particular issue — an important one facing many people around
the world.
Q Yeah, that are unvaccinated Americans who would be flying home
from foreign travel.
MS. PSAKI: So, there would still be requirements for these —
for individuals — Americans who are not vaccinated — including
providing proof of a negative test result taken within one day of
their departure and providing proof they have purchased a viral
test to be taken after arrival for Americans who are not fully
vaccinated — which, at this point, would obviously apply to
children as well.
而且這只規範 flying to....
如果從墨西哥像唐老大他們開車走地道可以不用 flying to
: 失智列車一直帶風向說打高端不能進美國
: 就是有這種4%畜生幹你娘只看前不看後
不過白宮發言人發言裡面確實是沒提到 "打高端不能進美國" XDDDD
: 現在的4%跟2018的柯韓粉真的沒什麼差別
: 很有料啦!看看你們的主席就知道
: 今天是9/25
: 看看你們能選出什麼垃圾榜樣
: : 告」,未接種疫苗的美國公民,如果從國外入境,則必須經過篩檢程序,包括入境前1
: 天
: : 以及抵達美國後1天均需要進行篩檢。
: : CDC的發言人史金納(Thomas Skinner)解釋「完全接種疫苗」的定義,所有獲得WHO認
: ?
: : 疫苗,皆視為「完全接種疫苗」。
: : 目前WHO提供EUA認證的疫苗包括輝瑞、AZ、嬌生、莫德納、科興、國藥。美國CDC先前
: 的
: : 定,只有接種輝瑞、嬌生與莫德納疫苗才符合「完全接種」的定義。