[新聞] 研究人員研發出節能印度藍染方法

作者: ckpioneer (風)   2021-10-03 15:22:45
September 28, 2021 2:15pm
As the denim industry shifts to become more sustainable, technicians are maki
ng strides in developing safer dyeing solutions. One of the latest innovations c
omes from researchers at the University of Georgia, who recently discovered a pr
ocess for dyeing denim that rids it of harmful chemicals while simultaneously
boosting efficiency.
這個研究是紡織品、室內設計、商品博士候選人Smriti Rai的研究,被刊登在綠色化學期刊
The research was published in the Green Chemistry Journal, and is a part of the
Ph.D. study of Smriti Rai, a doctoral candidate in the university’s department
of textiles, merchandising and interiors.
Though conventional denim dyeing methods involve reducing indigo with toxic ch
emicals prior to dyeing, the new process completely eliminates the use of harmfu
l chemicals by mixing it with nanocellulose fibrils—wood pulp—and depositing
it on the surface of the textile. It essentially “glues” the color in place, m
aking multiple coats and excessive water usage unnecessary.
The study showed that just one coat of the indigo secures over 90 percent of the
color, while conventional methods require up to eight dips in dye solution to
secure between 70 to 80 percent. Shades of blue are determined by the amount of
indigo particles used.
根據共同研究者Sergiy Minko,染料的900億價值,原本不重要的永續性,藉由這種技術對
According to the study’s corresponding author Sergiy Minko, the industry’s $90
billion valuation means even seemingly minor strides in sustainability can tran
slate to big environmental improvements.
“Denim and jeans manufacturing are a big market, so even small changes in the i
ndustry could have huge impacts,” Minko said. “There are populations that are
looking for products that are made in environmentally friendly ways. And as regu
lations become tougher, the industry will have to adapt.”
Though indigo gives denim its signature blue hue, it considered to be one of the
industry’s biggest sources of pollution. Biotech startup Huue found that indig
o manufacturing produces more than 1.4 million metric tons of CO2 and utilizes
toxic chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde and sodamide, which can be harmful t
o the environment and people.
In fact, a report from Water Witness International (WWI), a U.K.-based organiz
ation focused on sustainable water resource management, found evidence of water
pollution in certain African countries that support the global fashion supply ch
ain. River flow was tainted with pH comparable to household bleach and a blue co
loration reflective of nearby production sites.
Rai’s research, however, is one of several examples of ways the indigo supply c
hain might have a greener future.
Other sustainable dye improvements include using lab-grown bacteria to create an
indigo dye void of chemicals—a concept used by Huue. Recently, the company par
tnered with biotech firm Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. to scale production of the sustai
nable indigo dye.
各行各業的投資者注目這些類似的發明,在今年比較早的時候,美國靛藍布供應商Stony Cr
eek Colors投資了900萬在基因改造靛藍布,來減少靛藍布的有害物質
Similar innovations have caught the eye of investors across various industries.
Earlier this year, Stony Creek Colors, a U.S.-based natural indigo supplier, se
cured a $9 million Series B financing round for its BioPreferred-certified plant
-based indigo that’s free of hazardous chemicals.

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