Re: [爆卦] 唐鳳沒待過蘋果電腦,只是朋友在當工程師~

作者: A6 (短ID真好)   2021-10-20 16:28:18
※ 引述《xapp (xapp)》之銘言:
: 我跟唐鳳聊過
: 那時候唐鳳還在野
: 我跟唐鳳私底下聊的時候
: 從唐鳳的解答來推估唐鳳確實知道蘋果內部流程的一些細節
: 並不是程式編寫、語法或是framework的問題
: 而是關於蘋果系統很底層的資料打包與很haker的問題
: 那些細節非常關鍵但是有很意外、非直覺的答案
: 這些問題問蘋果公司應該不會回答
: 後來也找到一些線索是相符的
: 明顯跟網路上和stackoverflow上普遍的誤解不同
: 這些答案除非蘋果內部人員很難知道
你可以參考這個 知道那些東西 不一定代表他幹過
也可能是和這個一樣 領美國薪水工作外包
之前有一段時間 美國公司很多人這樣搞
他也可能只是接外包再轉外包的中間商 也能知道這東西
U.S. programmer outsources own job to China, surfs cat videos
Call it an amazing example of entrepreneurship or a daring play of deceit.
After a U.S.-based "critical infrastructure" company discovered in 2012 its
computer systems were being accessed from China, its security personnel
caught the culprit ultimately responsible: Not a hacker from the Middle
Kingdom but one of the company's own employees sitting right at his desk in
the United States.
The software developer is simply referred to as "Bob," according to a case
study by the U.S. telecommunications firm Verizon Business.
Bob was an "inoffensive and quiet" programmer in his mid-40's, according to
his employee profile, with "a relatively long tenure with the company" and
"someone you wouldn't look at twice in an elevator."
Those innocuous traits led investigators to initially believe the computer
access from China using Bob's credentials was unauthorized

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