妮所引用的網路文章,作者說查到什麼 Google Books,
結果他找到的,根本就是 "List of Current Legal Research Topics"
所以,這套每年出版的 "List of Current Legal Research Topics"
根本就跟小弟妹所列的 "Legal Research Topics in the United Kingdom"
"In 1961 the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies published the second
editition of a List of Legal Research Topics, covering completed theses
and dissertations for which degrees had been awarded between 1935 and
1961. A supplement brought this volume up to 1966. Now this volume
supersedes the earlier publications and contains a list a completed
legal research topics from the earlier yea of the century to 31 July
也就是說這套書的前一版是 1966 年出版的,誰在跟你每年都出版。
"The Institute also publishes the List of Current Legal Research
Topics, copies of which may be purchased and are to be found in
many libraries."
要說這本近 40 年前就出版的書也造假,請拿出證據
※ 引述《Borges (波波波波)》之銘言:
: 看起來很有道理 是嗎?
: 可是瑞凡
: 你知道為什麼總統府幾乎不再拿這個出來護航嗎?
: 因為類似的書 以前是每年出版的
: 不是只有一本
: 請看https://www.guancha.cn/LiHaiMo/2020_01_05_530504.shtml
: (連結有書籍內頁元件的照片 有圖有真相)
: 蔡英文的名字在歷年這套IALS的套書中出現四次
: 每次的論文名稱都不太一樣
: 1981年第一次出現 碩士論文
: 題目Law and non-tariff trade barrier
: 1982年第二次出現 碩士論文
: 題目Legal control on international competition in a transitional world
: 1983年第三次出現 博士論文
: 題目Legal control on international competition in a transitional world
: 1984年第四次出現 博士論文
: 題目Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions
: 你看到的就是第四次出現,也是最後一次出現的紀錄
: (這本書最常被引用的原因是:只有這本的題目符合目前官方認證的題目)
: 如果有出現就代表有論文
: 那蔡總統應該寫過2本碩士論文+2本博士論文了
: 難怪會有1.5個博士學位呢!
: ※ 引述《BaoLiao5566 (包先生)》之銘言:
: : 可是文正,IALS1985出版的那本我之前看過,
: : 前言不是這樣寫的耶。
: : https://i.imgur.com/1zhxkmb.jpeg
: : 前言很明確說到,列出的論文題目都是那些已完成並頒授學位的論文了。
: : "In 1961 the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies published the second edition
: : of List of Legal Research Topics, covering completed theses and dissertations
: : for which degrees had been awarded between 1935 and 1961. A supplement brought
: : this volume up to 1966. Now this volume supersedes the earlier publications
: : and contains a list a completed legal research topics from the earlier years
: : of the century to 31 July 1984."
: : ". . . It covers degrees awarded by all United Kingdom universities and by the
: : Council for National Academic Awards."
: : 至於說這本題目集有缺的,前言也有說了,不是列出的題目沒有學位,
: : 而是關於該篇論文的頒授學位的日期。
: : https://i.imgur.com/ctDICXG.jpeg
: : 在 Introduction 也有說了,是大學在 1985 年當時已經確認的確有這份研究,
: : 且可在圖書館借閱,才會列出與該筆論文題目有關的法律學位。
: : "Diplomas in law have been included when the university concerned has
: : confirmed that there is a substantial research content and that the work is
: : available for consultation in the library."
: : 該本與蔡英文論文相關的頁面:
: : https://imgur.com/gallery/SmuKvOO
: : 文正你確定要打這個?