b89207040 (黃å“ç››)
2021-12-30 21:10:53https://law.judicial.gov.tw/FJUD/data.aspx?ty=JD&id=KSDV,110%2c%e8%a8%b4%2c985%2c20211217%2c1
臺灣高雄地方法院 110 年度訴字第 985 號民事判決
民國 110 年 12 月 17 日
臺灣高雄地方法院民事判決 110年度訴字第985號
附表(「蕭」指被告乙○○,「J 」指被告甲○○○ ○○○ ):
│編號│對 話 內 容│備 註│
│ 1 │J:I'm sorry to hear that │本院審訴卷第17頁上方│
│ │ your husband isn't by │ │
│ │ your side │ │
│ 2 │蕭:I can't choose one │本院審訴卷第17頁下方│
│ │ between you two.I need│ │
│ │ to be a good mom,and │ │
│ │ also be a good │ │
│ │ girlfriend for you. │ │
│ 3 │J:Would you still like to│本院審訴卷第19頁上方│
│ │ come by after work? │ │
│ │蕭:Yes,I almost finish my│ │
│ │ job.I think I will │ │
│ │ arrive at 8.Or a │ │
│ │ little earlier . . . │ │
│ 4 │J:Thank you for letting │本院審訴卷第19頁下方│
│ │ me stay in here last │ │
│ │ night. │ │
│ 5 │J:Sorry for keeping you │本院審訴卷第20頁上方│
│ │ late.You're the only │ │
│ │ woman in my life,and it│ │
│ │ will remain that way. │ │
│ │ I've never cheated on │ │
│ │ anyone in my life.I │ │
│ │ hope you have a great │ │
│ │ night! │ │
│ 6 │J:It doesn't matter which│本院審訴卷第20頁下方│
│ │ day.I have no schedule│ │
│ │ .I'd say whichever days│ │
│ │ you prefer woule be the│ │
│ │ best,because I'd love │ │
│ │ to see you any day and │ │
│ │ every day! │ │
│ 7 │蕭:Do you miss me?I miss │本院審訴卷第21頁上方│
│ │ you a lot │ │
│ │J:Yes,I miss you as well!│ │
│ │ You're always welcome │ │
│ │ to stop by befer work │ │
│ │ if you'd like │ │
│ │蕭:Maybe tomorrow around │ │
│ │ 11 am.I will come to │ │
│ │ see you for a little │ │
│ │ while. │ │
│ │ Or after I finish my │ │
│ │ work today. │ │
│ 8 │J:Do you have time to │本院審訴卷第21頁下方│
│ │ stop by for a minute? │ │
│ │蕭:Sorry,I am home now.. │ │
│ │ do you miss me?I will │ │
│ │ see you tomorrow. │ │
│ │J:Yes,I miss you!Looking │ │
│ │ forward to seeing you │ │
│ │ tomorrow! │ │
│ 9 │J:I miss your face and │本院審訴卷第22頁下方│
│ │ touch and I'm lonely. │ │
│ │ I really would love to │ │
│ │ see you if only for 30 │ │
│ │ minutes. Please,I love │ │
│ │ you! │ │
│ 10 │蕭:I can't lose you,you │本院審訴卷第23頁上方│
│ │ must know that you │ │
│ │ are the most important│ │
│ │ man in my life. │ │
│ │J:Yor're the most │ │
│ │ important woman in my │ │
│ │ life too,and I can't │ │
│ │ lose you either.I will │ │
│ │ be good │ │
│ 11 │J:I don't know what made │本院審訴卷第23頁下方│
│ │ you think that,but I │ │
│ │ want to spend the rest │ │
│ │ of my life with you. │ │
│ 12 │蕭及 J 多次提及: │本院審訴卷第24至29頁│
│ │ I love you. │ │
│ │ I love you too. │ │
│ 13 │蕭:After I got up this │本院審訴卷第30頁上方│
│ │ morning,I feel a │ │
│ │ little pain in my │ │
│ │ vagina....and last │ │
│ │ time I had the same │ │
│ │ feeling │ │
│ │J:Sorry,I just had a │ │
│ │ hernia surgery and I │ │
│ │ feel a little bit of │ │
│ │ pain myself,but good │ │
│ │ loving is worth it. │ │
│ │蕭:I am fine.No sorry...,│ │
│ │ not your faule.I will │ │
│ │ get used to it slowly.│ │
│ │ Don't worry │ │
│ 14 │J:Have a great night! I'm│本院審訴卷第31頁上方│
│ │ sorry for making your │ │
│ │ vagina feel pain.I was │ │
│ │ only trying to make you│ │
│ │ feel good.I apologies │ │
│ │ if hurt you.I'm a good │ │
│ │ man but not perfect. │ │
│ 15 │蕭:I mean I am not hot │本院審訴卷第31頁下方│
│ │ and sexy to you │ │
│ │ anything more? I don't│ │
│ │ like to make love to │ │
│ │ me anymore? I feel shy│ │
│ │ to ask you this... │ │
│ │ I love you with all my│ │
│ │ heart . Good night...│ │