Seals (海豹印章特種部隊)
2022-02-25 14:49:53※ 引述《taotzu (╮(╯▽╰)╭ キタ━━)》之銘言:
: 拜登: 不會為了烏克蘭再踏上歐陸
: 剛剛紐約時報用了breaking news來報導
: 拜登最新談話
: https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1496927591508418566?s=21
: Breaking News: In his first public remarks since Russia's
: assault on Ukraine began,
: President Biden emphasized again
: that American troops were “not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine,”
: ( 總統拜登再次強調 美軍不會為了烏克蘭再踏上歐陸土地)
: but said that every inch of NATO territory would be defended.
: 不幫就不幫幹忙一直澄清
Our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as
for the government and people of Ukraine is unwavering. We stand with our
Ukrainian partners in strongly condemning President Putin’s announcement.