※ [本文轉錄自 Military 看板 #1Y6JDK2y ]
作者: jason2641668 (鋼球智者) 看板: Military
標題: [情報] 北約反應部隊啟動 (有史以來第一次)
時間: Sat Feb 26 03:51:44 2022
NATO Response Force(北約反應部隊) 已經被啟動(activated)
這是 NATO Response Force 成立以來首次 activated
(看 CNN 另外一篇文章這裡的 activated 應該就是佈署的意思)
“We have to take this seriously, and that is exactly why we are now
deploying the NATO Response Force for the first time in a collective defense
context,”he added.
(備註: 烏克蘭不是北約成員國)