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By Joshua Hawkins
Scientists might actually create hypoallergenic cats
Scientists might actually create hypoallergenic cats
Home Science News
By Joshua Hawkins
April 1st, 2022 at 4:17 PM
People with cat allergies may be able to have a cat sometime in the future
thanks to gene-editing technology. Of course, the creation of truly
hypoallergenic cats is far off. But, scientists believe they could use
CRISPR, a gene-editing tool, to remove the gene responsible for creating the
protein that causes cat allergies.
How bad are cat allergies today?
Cats are everywhere, plus they make great pets. That’s why dealing with cat
allergies has become such a huge problem for many people. A study from 2018
says that between 10 to 20 percent of the world’s population deals with cat
allergies of some kind. One of the big culprits of these allergies is a
protein called Fel d 1.
2018 年的一項研究表明,世界上有 10% 到 20% 的人口患有某種貓過敏症。這些過敏的
罪魁禍首之一是一種叫做 Fel d 1 的蛋白質。
When cats produce this protein, it ends up in their saliva and tears. It is
then transferred, obviously, to their fur through constant cleaning. From
there, it’s transferred to our homes as they shed their hair and it blends
with the dust around the house. It’s a constant cycle and one that has left
many people dealing with terrible allergies over the years.
Sure, there are some hypoallergenic cat breeds out there. However, they all
still create this protein, just some in lesser quantities. So, while they may
not produce Fel d 1 levels that are dangerous, they can still lead to an
allergic response over time.
。因此,雖然它們可能不會產生危險的 Fel d 1 水平,但隨著時間的推移,它們仍然會
Making a truly hypoallergenic cat
It’s this widespread allergy issue that has led scientists at the
Virginia-based biotech company InBio to investigate making a truly
hypoallergenic cat. The company published a study on the matter earlier this
week in The CRISPR Journal, detailing how they think they can accomplish this
正是這種普遍存在的過敏問題促使位於維吉尼亞州的生物技術公司 InBio 的科學家們研
究製造一隻真正的低過敏性貓。該公司本週早些時候在The CRISPR Journal上發表了一項
Evolutionary Biology and Gene Editing of Cat Allergen, Fel d 1
The scientists say they analyzed the DNA of 50 domestic cats and found
regions along two genes that they believe are primarily responsible for
producing Fel d 1. They also found that these regions may be suitable for
editing using CRISPR’s gene-editing technology. The researchers then
compared their domestic findings with those of eight wilder cat species.
科學家們說,他們分析了 50 隻家貓的 DNA,並發現了他們認為主要負責產生 Fel d 1
的兩組基因的區域。他們還發現這些區域可能適合使用 CRISPR 的基因編輯技術進行編輯
Here, they found a large discrepancy between the levels of Fed d 1 in the
different groups. This, they say, could indicate that Fel d 1 is not
essential to cat biology. As such, they believe they can remove it without
posing a health risk to the cats involved. They tested this theory by editing
cat cells in the lab using CRISPR. The results produced no off-target changes
in the areas where they thought it might occur.
在這裡,他們發現不同組的 Fed d 1 水平存在很大差異。他們說,這可能表明 Fel d 1
健康風險。他們通過在實驗室中使用 CRISPR 編輯貓細胞來驗證這一理論。
Of course, there’s still a long way to go before these scientists start
breeding hypoallergenic cats. Still, it’s interesting to look at how tools
like CRISPR allow us to change things at a genetic level. We’ve also
recently seen gene-editing take a fascinating approach in genetically
modified mosquitos. Allowing scientists to create a subspecies capable of
helping cull the population of disease-carrying insects.
CRISPR 這樣的工具如何讓我們在基因水平上改變事物還是很有趣的。我們最近還看到基
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