FT6034 (耐心等待)
2022-04-13 18:34:10※ 引述《douge (樹大便是美)》之銘言:
: BBC: How children are being affected by long Covid
: https://tinyurl.com/2tav7m5b
: 3/1/2022
: "Most of the children I've seen were completely healthy before Covid, they
: were doing sport, extra-school activities," says Buonsenso. "And then they
: were not able to return to their normal school routine because they were
: getting headaches or had difficulty concentrating after a few hours."
: 小兒科醫師:
: 大多數的小朋友染病前都活蹦亂跳的 可以從事任何活動,課後運動
: 但是染病康復後
: 他們無法回到原本的狀態
: 會有頭痛以及幾個小時專注後注意力集中的問題
: 可苦為了護航什麼標準 人格都丟棄呢?
: 給學齡兒童打 Novavax 疫苗
: 準備充分之後再開放 ->上策
: 裝死為了護航而護航 ->中策
: 為了政治連良心都沒有->y姊
: 以後只要有家長發現自己的小孩不一樣了
: 我就請他來ptt 問你的高見
Paediatricians running post-Covid clinics believe that the true prevalence
lies in the region of 10%. Other scientists, however, point out that the data
is clouded by the fact that more than half of children without Covid-19 have
also suffered from headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances and issues with
concentration during the pandemic. Many surveys of persistent post-Covid
symptoms in children do not compare children infected with Covid-19 with
uninfected controls, which could lead to over-representation of symptom
許多關於兒童感染 Covid-19 後持續症狀的調查並未將
感染 Covid-19 的兒童與未感染的對照組進行比較,