China says Nato has ‘messed up Europe’ and warns over role in Asia-Pacific
Helen Davidson in Taipei and agencies
In response to British foreign secretary’s warning that Beijing must ‘play by
the rules’, ministry of foreign affairs says Nato is stirring conflict
China’s ministry of foreign affairs has accused Nato of messing up Europe and s
tirring up conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region, after the UK’s foreign secreta
ry told China it should “play by the rules”.
In a speech at Mansion House in London on Wednesday, Liz Truss renewed calls to
boost Nato in the wake of the Ukraine war, and said the coordinated moves to i
solate Russia from the world economy proved that market access to democratic cou
ntries was no longer a given. Truss also delivered a direct warning to China.
“Countries must play by the rules. And that includes China,” she said.
On Thursday Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s ministry of foreign affairs, d
ismissed Truss’s comments and accused Nato of demanding other countries abide
by basic norms while it has “wantonly waged wars and dropped bombs in sovereig
n states, killing and displacing innocent civilians”.
“Nato, a military organisation in the North Atlantic, has in recent years come
to the Asia-Pacific region to throw its weight around and stir up conflicts,” W
ang said.
“Nato has messed up Europe. Is it now trying to mess up the Asia-Pacific and ev
en the world?”
In her speech Truss said Nato had to pre-empt threats in the Indo-Pacific and ex
tend its outlook to democracies outside its membership, like Taiwan, which Beiji
ng claims is a breakaway Chinese province it must retake. She suggested China’s
economic rise – now the world’s second largest economy to Britain’s sixth –
could be targeted.
“[China] will not continue to rise if they do not play by the rules. China need
s trade with the G7. We [the Group of Seven] represent around half of the global
economy. And we have choices,” Truss said.
“We have shown with Russia the kind of choices that we’re prepared to make whe
n international rules are violated.”
China has refused to condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, one of its close
st allies, drawing criticism and urgings from European and other governments to
use its influence on Moscow. A recent China-EU summit was reportedly strained as
Chinese representatives rebuffed pressure by European counterparts to help end
the war. Premier Li Keqiang said Beijing would pursue peace “in its own way”.
Beijing firmly opposes linking the Ukraine war to its relations with Moscow and
has said it will defend the rights of Chinese individuals and companies. On Thur
sday Wang said China’s position on the conflict had been “consistent and clear
“We have always made independent judgments based on the merits of the case,” h
e said, adding no further detail.
Truss has previously accused China and Russia being “aggressors working in conc
ert”, telling Australian media she couldn’t rule out China using Russia’s inv
asion as an opportunity to launch its own act of aggression.
"各國應遵守規則 包括中國"
北約是大西洋的軍事組織 近年卻開始染指亞太地區
英外相在她的演說中提到北約需在印太地區先發制人 預防可能的威脅 隨著中國的經濟成長
臺灣 可能成為目標
中外交發言人表示 北京堅決反對參與烏俄戰爭以維持與莫斯科關係和保護中國利益
英國外相先前向澳洲媒體表示中俄是"侵略者互助會" 她不能排除中國會利用俄羅斯入侵作