A former Trump advisor on Russia recalled how Putin smelled odd and neither ate
nor drank at dinne
Cheryl Teh Wed, May 18, 2022, 12:51 PM·2
Fiona Hill, an advisor on Russia under former President Donald Trump, has descri
bed what it was like sitting next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at dinner,
including the odd smell he exuded.
Hill made the remarks while speaking on BBC Sounds' "Desert Island Discs" progra
m, during which she recounted her experience being seated within touching distan
ce of the Russian leader.
"I took in the suits, one of the finely tailored suits, the way that the little
vein pulses on the left-hand side of his face," Hill said on the episode, which
aired on May 8.
Besides noticing Putin's "very expensive watch," Hill also observed that the Rus
sian leader "really could have done with glasses" because he used cards with hug
e words on them.
"I could read them all, cards telling him who was who and what he should say and
things like this," she recalled.
Hill also observed that Putin "didn't eat or drink anything" during the meal.
Above all, however, Hill also said she took note of the Russian leader's smell.
"Now, this sounds really bizarre, but I could smell that he was freshly laundere
d. He wasn't wearing cologne, but it was almost like he had stepped out of some
special preparatory bath or something, into the moment," Hill said.
She added that Putin appeared to be "all in command" of the image he projected i
n front of others.
"I thought: 'Wow, look at this,'" Hill said. "All of this is staged. Every littl
e element of this is staged. This is a performance."
She said Putin was also "not much of a conversationalist" and that he "barely ga
ve her a glance" throughout the meal.
Hill is best known for having served in the Trump administration as an advisor o
n Russia. In recent months, she has weighed in on multiple occasions about the f
ormer president's interactions with Putin.
In November, Hill said that she thought Trump envied Putin because he wanted to
rule the US "as he pleases." In January and February, Hill also voiced her views
on Russia's then-brewing invasion of Ukraine, saying that Trump likely embolden
ed Putin during his term, and made the US look weak to Russia.
In April, Hill claimed that Trump began to resemble Putin during his time as pre
sident, in terms of "political practice and predilection."
Fiona Hill是川普政府的顧問
Hill在BBC節目"Desert Island Discs"回憶她當時與普丁在近距離共進晚餐的經驗
"我那時穿套裝 在他身旁能察覺他左臉血管跳動 "
除了普丁極為昂貴的手錶外也發現這位俄羅斯領導人很需要眼鏡 因為他當時的小抄幾乎是
除了以上這些 Hill還記下了普丁的味道
Hill另外提到"普丁讓一切看起來井然有序 所有小地方都說舞台"
Hill也提到普丁不健談 整場晚餐只看了她一眼
這篇算花邊八卦 不用認真看
川普直接被前隊友各種抹成戰犯 可憐哪