來源: https://richardsonreports.wordpress.com/
文長 挑重點翻一下
" "當中的文字屬於判決書內容
Information Review Tribunal Judge Alison McKenna overturned the Information
Commissioner and found that the London School of Economics violated the Freedom
of Information Act.
"LSE confirmed to the Tribunal that it holds President Tsai's student file,
comprising 278 pages. It stated that there is a letter on this file in which
a person appears to self-identify as one of the Viva examiners, but that it
has no official notification from University of London whether this
information was correct, and it holds no information on the identity of the
"As we have concluded that information is held, the correct course is for LSE
to issue a fresh response on the basis that information within the scope of
the request is held, and at that stage either disclose the requested
information (with contextual commentary, if necessary) or claim any
exemptions to disclosure that it considers apply."
"We allow this appeal on the basis of the Appellant's first ground of
appeal, that the Decision Notice was erroneous in its conclusion that
information was not held."
"我們因此允許原告(Richardson, 彭P等)第一輪的上訴,並認為之前英國資訊專員辦公室
Judge McKeena ordered the London School of Economics to respond within 28