1.媒體來源: 衛報
2.記者署名: 衛報
Taiwan museum admits breaking artefacts worth £66m
Taiwan museum admits breaking artefacts worth £66m
A bowl, teacup and plate – dating from 15th and 17th centuries – were
broken in three separate incidents
一個碗、茶杯和盤子——可追溯到 15 世紀和 17 世紀——在三個不同的事件中被打破
Taiwan’s national palace museum has admitted to previously undisclosed
breakages of three artefacts from the Ming and Qing dynasties, worth a
reported £66m ($77m).
台灣國立故宮博物院承認先前未公開的三件明清時期文物破損,據報導價值 6600 萬英鎊
(7700 萬美元)。
The items – a bowl, a teacup and a plate – were broken in three separate
incidents during the past 18 months but the damage came to light only last
week under questioning from a Taiwan legislator. The artefacts date back to
the 15th and 17th centuries.
這些物品——一個碗、一個茶杯和一個盤子——在過去 18 個月的三起不同事件中被打破
,但直到上週,在台灣立法委員的質詢下,損壞才曝光。這些文物可以追溯到 15 世紀和
17 世紀。
The museum said it was unable to determine who was responsible for two of the
breakages after checking 10 years of CCTV footage, but one was found to be
caused by negligent handling, and disciplinary action was being taken.
The museum’s director, Wu Mi-cha, said a senior staff member had put the
artefact on a one-metre-high desk, from where it fell to the floor and broke
“like a bowl would”.
On Friday, Taiwan’s opposition legislator, Chen I-shin, accused Wu of
ordering staff not to speak of the breakages and to treat all paperwork as
classified, claiming he had received a “tip”.
The museum and Wu strongly denied accusations of a cover-up or gag orders on
staff, saying their actions were to ensure the “evidence” was not tampered
with while they investigated the breakages.
“We have absolutely not hidden anything about this,” Wu said at a press
The museum told the Guardian there was no formal notification to the public
or culture ministry because the items were classified only as “general
antiquities”, the lowest-level designation of cultural heritage. It also
said the value estimate was “way lower” than the figure reported, but did
not elaborate.
The national palace museum on the outskirts of Taipei holds the world’s
largest collection of Chinese artefacts, much of it brought over from the
mainland by Chiang Kai-shek after the Nationalists fled to Taiwan during the
Chinese civil war.
The collection spans 5,000 years of Chinese history, with only a fraction of
it displayed at any one time. Artefacts not on loan or being exhibited –
including the three broken items – are uninsured. The museum vowed to
improve storage practices for the artefacts, which had been moved several
times across China in the early 20th century to keep them safe during the
Sino-Japanese and then civil war.
The news of the breakages has been seized upon by Taiwan opposition parties,
and by nationalist social media users in China who accused Taiwan authorities
of seeking to destroy Chinese culture.
Hashtags relating to the incident were viewed more than 600,000 times by
Monday, with some commenters linking it to the Chinese government’s claim
that Taiwan is a Chinese province.
One said: “I believe that only by completing reunification as soon as
possible can we prevent our national treasures from being destroyed for no
reason again!”
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