s9234032 (WhiteWater)
2023-03-07 00:48:34※ 引述《peter98 (PyTorch AI套件爛死惹)》之銘言:
: 你的英文水準很低 笑死
: 不要看到sanction就想到制裁 被害妄想症嗎?
: 如果你看到後面的 to induce ...就會知道這個sanction不是制裁
: induce是誘發、引誘、導致、催生等意思
: 用制裁來induce幹嘛?
: sanction有另一個意思: 批准、核可 托福菜雞初級單字而已
: 不要說我豪洨 不認同的自己去查韋氏字典 你要說韋氏是綠的我也沒辦法
: 英文爛沒關係 但是不要出來show英文爛 = =
: 可憐呢 你的英文 你把制裁 + induce給我翻一下看看 笑死
: 提供制裁誘發台灣買武器是吧? 8+9拿刀引誘一個人被打
: 那個人看到刀會覺得好興奮喔 我好希望被8+9打? 通篇邏輯有問題 笑死
: 制裁的話後面要加threaten啦 笑死 你這英文 = =
雖然原原PO的問題是斷章取義啦 :3
選擇性制裁(targeted sanction=selected sanction)
Targeted sanctions are intended to be directed at individuals, companies and
organizations, or restrict trade with key commodities. The following
instruments can be applied: Financial sanctions (freezing of funds and other
financial assets, ban on transactions, investment restrictions)
US relations with Germany should be in crisis. Instead Washington bends over
backwards for Berlin. This has to change.
"a year on, Germany’s armed forces are in an even worse condition than when
the war started, according to military commanders..." 1/
By this logic, our relations with Taiwan should be in crisis. Both nations
are free riders on American defense.
Indeed, Taiwan's unwillingness is all the more shameful given the proximity
of the threat.
I completely agree.
I also support targeted sanctions to induce Taiwan to move toward asymmetric
defense. Taiwan is important. Americans would die in its defense. Ergo we
should do everything needed to get them to build a strong defense.
我完全同意。 我也支持有針對性的制裁,以促使台灣朝著非對稱防禦發展。