[新聞] 內布拉斯加學校當局持續推動跨性別運動員政

作者: Historia (歷史本文)   2023-03-11 13:59:22
1. an overwhelming backlash against... 對...強烈反彈。
2. transgender athletes 變性運動員
3. public comment period 公開聽證會期間
4. create too much testosterone 產生太多的睪丸激素
5. assigned gender 與生俱來的性別
6. cisgender athletes 順性別運動員
7. prohibit the participation of... 禁止...參與
8. controversial curricula 爭議性課程
Joshua Q. Nelson | Fox News
Nebraska school board moving forward with policy for trans athletes despite
opposition: ‘Unfair playing field’
There was an overwhelming backlash against the consideration of including
transgender athletes from over 40 speakers
超過 40 位演講者強烈反對考慮將跨性別運動員包括在內
Kearney Public Schools (KPS) Board of Education in Nebraska on Monday passed
a policy looking at the participation of transgender athletes in sports at
the high school and middle school levels.
內布拉斯加州科爾尼公立學校 (KPS) 當局,週一通過了一項政策,旨在研究變性運
The school board had two policy versions to consider during their meeting,
voting four to two in favor of Version A.
學校教育委員會在會議期間有兩個政策版本需要考慮,以四票對二票贊成版本 A。
During the public comment period, there was an overwhelming backlash against
the consideration of including transgender athletes from over 40 speakers.
在公眾意見徵詢期間,40 多位發言者強烈反對考慮將跨性別運動員包括在內。
A wrestling coach critiqued the measure, saying "we only have 14 classes and
science figures out who fills those 14 weight classes," he said.
一位摔跤教練批評了這項措施,他說:“我們只有 14 個量級,而通過科學方法決定誰能
報名這14 個量級。”
"As adults here in the room, we’re going to have to say listen … there are
naturally born women that cannot–cannot compete in the Olympics because they
’ve got something that causes them to create too much testosterone. It is an
unfair playing field. I’ve seen it in my whole life."
He added that wrestlers with the best work ethic "don’t win because they can
’t compete."
Among the several speakers that blasted the proposal, there was one
transgender man who spoke on behalf of allowing transgender youth to
participate in their chosen sport.
"The opportunity to race as my gender, and not assigned gender at birth, has
contributed to my mental health and success as an adult," Connor Jacobson
"It is in the communities best interest to provide the same opportunities to
young trans athletes as we already do to cisgender athletes."
The vote now sends the proposal to be discussed further at a later date.
KPS Superintendent Jason Mundorf told a local news outlet that they could
wait for the legislature regarding transgender students and athletes, but
they decided to open a conversation about the issue.
KPS 主管 Jason Mundorf 告訴當地一家新聞媒體,他們可以等待有關跨性別學生和運動
The Nebraska Legislature Bill 575, also known as the Sports and Spaces Act,
was introduced on February 7th this year. It would prohibit transgender
students to use facilities that are not aligned with the biological gender
assigned at birth. The bill would also prohibit the participation of
transgender athletes in sports that are not aligned with the biological sex
assigned at birth.
內布拉斯加州第 575 號立法法案,也稱為《體育與空間法案》,於今年 2 月 7 日擬定
The state may or may not pass LB 575. Our school board felt this issue was
important enough to receive a review and decision regardless of the outcomes
of the legislative bill or any changes with the NSAA's existing policies.
該州可能會或可能不會通過 LB 575。我們的學校委員會認為這個問題非常重要,無論立
法法案的結果或 NSAA 現有政策的任何變化如何,都可以接受審查和決定。
The bill reads:
"An athletic team or sport designated for females, women, or girls shall not
be open to a biological male student. An athletic team or sport designated
for males, men, or boys shall not be open to a biological female student
unless there is no female team available for such sport for such biological
female student."
Anti-Transgender athlete and anti-gender-affirming surgery bills swept
through state legislatures nationwide, Fox News Digital previously reported.
據 Fox News Digital 此前報導,反跨性別運動員和反性別肯定手術法案席捲了全國各州
Fox News Digital reached out to KPS for comment:
Fox News Digital 聯繫了 KPS 徵求意見:
"Our board policy revisions require two readings/votes by the board members
to be approved as the new policy. Version A of the new policy did pass 4-2
for the first reading and it will be in front of our school board again on
April 10th for 2nd reading/final approval. If the board approves this policy
by majority vote a second time, it will be our district's policy," Mundorf
told Fox News Digital.
新政策的 A 版在一讀中確實以 4-2 的票數通過,並將於 4 月 10 日再次提交我們學校
的政策,”蒙多夫告訴 Fox News Digital。
"The state may or may not pass LB 575. Our school board felt this issue was
important enough to receive a review and decision regardless of the outcomes
of the legislative bill or any changes with the NSAA's existing policies," he
“州政府可能會或可能不會通過 LB 575。我們的學校當局認為這個問題非常重要,
無論立法法案的結果或 NSAA 現有政策的任何變化如何,都需要接受審查和決定,”
Wyoming state legislators approved a bill on Tuesday that would prohibit
biologically designated male students from playing on female sports teams.
If signed by Gov. Mark Gordon, Wyoming will join a list of other states like
Oklahoma, Florida and Mississippi that have banned trans athletes from
competing in women's sports.
如果得到州長馬克·戈登 (Mark Gordon) 的簽署,懷俄明州將加入禁止跨性別運動員參
Parents across the country have protested controversial curricula like
critical race theory, as well as the presence of certain books in public
Fox News' Greg Wehner contributed to this report.

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