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Isobel van Hagen Mar 11, 2023, 8:38 PM
Hundreds of cars confiscated from drunk drivers to be supplied to Ukraine's mili
tary and hospitals
Hundreds of cars confiscated from drunk drivers to be supplied to Ukraine's mili
tary and hospitals
Isobel van Hagen Mar 11, 2023, 8:38 PM
本週早些時候,一輛拖車從拉脫維亞的一個扣押場拖走了 8 輛汽車,準備運往“最需要它
們的地方” 。
Poznaks 說:“沒有人預料到人們酒後駕車這麼多,他們不能像人們喝酒一樣快地賣掉它們
這八輛汽車只是第一批被派往烏克蘭的汽車,因為在兩個月內從血液酒精含量超過 0.15%
的司機手中查獲了 200 輛汽車。該國當局表示,他們每週將向該組織提供兩打汽車。
Latvia is sending cars that have been confiscated from drunk drivers to Ukraine.
The first transport cars were sent this week to "where they are most needed," sa
id Latvian authorities.
Latvia said it would provide two dozen seized vehicles to Ukraine each week.
Cars that have been confiscated from drunk drivers in Latvia are being sent to U
kraine in a new scheme to support the country's war effort.
Earlier this week, eight cars were taken on the back of a trailer from an impoun
d lot in Latvia to be transported to "where they are most needed," Latvia's Stat
e Revenue Service said in a tweet.
The government tasked the transport of the seized cars to the Agendum group — a
Latvian NGO that delivers vehicles to Ukraine — who will donate them to the Uk
rainian military and hospitals.
"It's actually very scary when you realize how many cars are driving around with
drunk drivers," Reinis Poznaks, founder of the NGO Twitter Convoy in associatio
n with Agendum, told Reuters in an interview.
"No one expected that people are drunk-driving so many vehicles, they can't sell
them as fast as people are drinking. So that's why I came with the idea — send
them to Ukraine," Poznaks said.
Poznaks also tweeted a picture of the cars being transported and said, "The jour
ney from our garage to Ukraine begins today. One car will redeem not only alcoho
l but also ideological karma."
The eight cars are just the first to be dispatched to Ukraine, as two hundred ca
rs were seized from drivers with blood alcohol levels over 0.15% in two months,
according to Reuters. Authorities in the country said they would give the organi
zation two dozen cars every week.
The Baltic nation has one of the highest drunk driving rates in Europe, accordin
g to the BBC.
Last month, the Latvian parliament passed a law allowing the transfer of state-o
wned vehicles — usually sold or recycled — to Ukraine, according to Euronews.
The cars will be delivered to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence army units, the
Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital, and the Kupyansk Council Territorial Medica
l Association, according to a government statement.
"Once again, we have demonstrated our unity in our support for Ukraine. I believ
e that every act of support, big or small, brings us closer to victory in this s
enseless war," Arvils A eradens, Latvia's Minister for Finance, said.
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