[新聞] 與中國衝突是最後手段,若美國人民同意,

作者: cutiehoneyzu (McHilo)   2023-04-11 00:23:07
「與中國衝突是最後手段,若美國人民同意,國會將出動美軍」眾議員 麥克考說道
Conflict with China 'last resort' but Congress will authorize troops if Americans support it: McCaul
新聞來源:Fox news 福斯新聞
記者:y Caitlin McFall , Aishah Hasnie
Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul told Fox News during his visit in Taiwan Friday that conflict with China was a "last resort," but said so long as the American people support it, Congress will approve boots on the ground if Beijing attacks.
"Conflict is always a last resort," he told Fox News from Taipei, adding that he and fellow lawmakers have traveled from Washington, D.C., to the island to "provide deterrence to China."
U.S. defense officials have warned that Chinese President Xi Jinping could look to invade Taiwan by 2027, and President Biden last year turned heads when he said he was prepared to send in troops to defend Taipei should Beijing launch an attack.
美國國防官員警告說,中國國家主席習近平可能會在 2027 年之前入侵台灣,而拜登總統去年表示,如果北京發動攻擊,他準備派遣軍隊保衛台北,這引起了人們的注意。
McCaul echoed these warnings and issued a reminder that Congress holds the power to authorize military force.
"If communist China invaded Taiwan, it would certainly be on the table and something that would be discussed by Congress and with the American people," he added.
Taiwanese residents told Fox News this week that they were skeptical over whether the U.S. would actually come to their aid following Washington’s refusal to deploy troops to Ukraine, though as McCaul pointed out the situations between Ukraine and Taiwan are vastly different.
"Taiwan is in a very different position from Ukraine," McCaul said. "Number one, they’re not battle tested or ready. They are not prepared for war
“台灣的處境與烏克蘭截然不同,”麥考爾說。 “第一,他們沒有經過戰鬥測試或準備好。他們沒有為戰爭做好準備
"When you look at Ukraine, they had NATO supporting them. You don’t have NATO in the Pacific," he continued. "That’s why when looking at Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Australia, we need to start having these discussions as a deterrent for peace.
“看看烏克蘭,他們有北約支持他們。太平洋地區沒有北約,”他繼續說道。 “這就是為什麼考慮日本、韓國、菲律賓、澳大利亞時,我們需要開始進行這些討論,以此作為對和平的威懾。
"Because if not, we’re going to invite aggression and war," McCaul warned.

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