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2023-04-27 09:36:47為什麼說埃及豔后是希臘人,
※ 引述《paiopapa ()》之銘言
: https://reurl.cc/V8x4vA
: 最近Netflix埃及豔后影集找黑人Adele James飾演埃及豔后造成不小爭議
: 對此導演Tina Gharavi出來說話了
: ‘Cleopatra was Greek!’ Oh, Lawd! Why would that be a good thing to you,
: Amir? You’re Egyptian.”
: 有個埃及人跟導演說 埃及豔后是個希臘人
: 對此導演表示 這樣對你有什麼好處 你是埃及人耶
: “After 300 years, surely, we can safely say Cleopatra was Egyptian. She
: was no more Greek or Macedonian than Rita Wilson or Jennifer Aniston. Both
: are one generation from Greece. Why shouldn’t Cleopatra be a melanated
: sister? And why do some people need Cleopatra to be white? Her proximity to
: whiteness seems to give her value, and for some Egyptians it seems to really
: matter.”
: 導演表示 為什麼埃及豔后不能是黑皮膚的姊妹呢?
: “What the historians can confirm is that it is more likely that Cleopatra
: looked like Adele than Elizabeth Taylor ever did.”
: 導演表示 比起伊莉莎白泰勒 埃及豔后一定長得更像我們的黑人女主Adele James
: She summed up, “So, was Cleopatra Black? We don’t know for sure, but we can
: be certain she wasn’t white like Elizabeth Taylor. We need to have a
: conversation with ourselves about our colorism, and the internalized white
: supremacy that Hollywood has indoctrinated us with.”
: 導演表示 雖然不確定埃及豔后一定是黑人 但一定不像於伊莉莎白泰勒那麼白
: 覺得有問題的一定都是被好萊塢灌輸的白人至上主義害的
: Lead actress James took to Twitter on April 13 to respond to backlash at her
: casting, writing, “Cleopatra was a queen, not a slave. If you don’t like
: the casting don’t watch the show. Or do & engage in (expert) opinion
: different to yours. Either way, I’M GASSED and will continue to be!”
: 最後 這部的女主Adele James也在個人推特表示 不喜歡就不要看