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3,000 year-old Egyptian figurine sensationally unearthed in former SS hospital
3,000 year-old Egyptian figurine sensationally unearthed in former SS hospital
L. Miechowicz
The figurine is part of a long-lost collection of antiquities that has been
the subject of a search by specialists for decades.
L. Miechowicz
一項驚人的發現是,在盧布林省的一家前納粹黨衛軍醫院中,出土了 一個具有 3000 年
歷史的古埃及 歐西里斯神像。
這尊雕像是失傳已久的古物收藏的一部分, 幾十年來一直是專家們搜尋的對象。
在盧布林以西約 30 公里處的 Kluczkowice 村,研究人員 發現了兩個埃及死神歐西
里斯的雕像。研究人員 還發現了巴克斯半身像,根據 羅馬神話,巴克斯是酒神。
In a stunning discovery, a three-thousand-year-old ancient Egyptian figurine
of the god Osiris has been unearthed in a former Nazi SS hospital in the
Lublin province.
The figurine is part of a long-lost collection of antiquities that has been
the subject of a search by specialists for decades.
In the village of Kluczkowice about 30 km west of Lublin, researchers found
two figurines depicting Osiris, the Egyptian god of death. The researchers
also discovered a bust of Bacchus, who, according to Roman mythology, was the
god of wine.
Researchers also discovered a bust of Bacchus, who, according to Roman
mythology, was the god of wine.
L. Miechowicz
在波蘭發現古埃及和古羅馬文物非常 不尋常。因此,在去年發現之後,需要對這些文物
幾天前,遺產保護專家終於能夠宣布 這一發現是真實的。
Finding ancient Egyptian and Roman antiquities in Poland is highly unusual.
Therefore, after the discovery last year, the objects needed to be thoroughly
“Such an unprecedented find in our area raised doubts about the authenticity
of the relics," the Lublin voivodeship heritage protection office reported.
A few days ago the heritage protection specialists were finally able to
announce the discovery as genuine.
The finds were made in the palace in Kluczkowice which, until 1942, was owned
by the Kleniewski family.
“由於與盧布林國家博物館和 華沙大學考古系的科學家合作,我們可以 確認我們正在處
理來自 古埃及和古羅馬的原始物品,”他們報告說。
去年 5 月,當地尋寶者 Krzysztof Kozwski 在獲得文物保護辦公室的許可後, 在
Kluczkowice 的宮殿內 發現了一個青銅雕像。
在立即通知文物保護部門後, 波蘭科學院的 kasz Miechowicz 博士前往現場 搜索該
“Thanks to cooperation with the National Museum in Lublin and scientists
from the Department of Archaeology at Warsaw University, it was possible to
confirm that we are dealing with original objects from ancient Egypt and
ancient Rome,” they reported.
In May last year, local treasure hunter Krzysztof Kozwski led an
exploration in the grounds of the palace in Kluczkowice with the permission
of the heritage protection office when he discovered a bronze figurine.
After immediately alerting heritage protection authorities, Dr kasz
Miechowicz of the Polish Academy of Sciences went to the site to search the
After 1942, the palace was used as a hospital by the SS.
“突然,在距離第一個歐西里斯雕像 10 公尺處,我們遇到了另一個雕像,”他說。
“它 保存得非常完好。”
專家們將歐西里斯定年到公元前一千年 ,將巴克斯的半身像則追溯到公元一世紀。
與此同時,華沙波蘭科學院考古與 民族學研究所的 Lukasz Miechowicz 博士能夠證實,
這些 遺物是當時保存在 Kluczkowice 宮殿中直到第二次世界大戰的一批文物的一部分
"Suddenly, 10 meters away from the first figurine of Osiris, we came across
another one," he said. “It is sensationally well preserved.”
The specialists dated the figure of Osiris to the 1st millennium BC and the
bust of Bacchus to the 1st century AD.
Meanwhile, Dr. Lukasz Miechowicz of the Institute of Archaeology and
Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw was able to confirm
that the relics were part of a collection of antiquities that were kept in
the palace in Kluczkowice until World War II by its then residents, the
Kleniewski family.
Specialists dated the figure of Osiris to the 1st millennium BC.
L. Miechowicz
Miechowicz 博士認為,這些雕像是瑪麗亞· 克萊涅夫斯卡 (Maria Kleniewska) 於
1904 年與她的四個女兒前往埃及時 購買的,並作為手工藝品帶回波蘭,她打算 在一個
他們住在赫勞恩,在兩次世界大戰之間,那裡很受 富裕的波蘭人歡迎。1932 年,約瑟夫
·畢蘇斯基 (Józef Piudski) 元帥留在那裡接受 治療。
“她在已經出版的回憶錄中寫下了這件事。她的 健康每況愈下,是 當時富裕家庭的時尚
度假勝地。從亞歷山大港到開羅,她也去過一些地方,也做了一些 觀光,”Miechowicz
Dr. Miechowicz believes that the figures were purchased by Maria Kleniewska
when she travelled to Egypt in 1904 with her four daughters and brought back
to Poland as artefacts that she intended to display in a chamber of
They stayed in Helaun, which in the interwar period was popular with affluent
Poles. In 1932, Marshal Józef Piudski stayed there for treatment.
“She writes about it in her memoirs, which have been published. Her health
declined, and it was a fashionable resort among wealthier families at the
time. She also travelled a bit and did some sightseeing, from Alexandria to
Cairo,” Dr. Miechowicz added.
Although the finds were first made last year, it’s only now that they have
been authenticated by analysts.
L. Miechowicz
The bust of Bacchus was most likely a fragment of a Roman tripod, a similar
example of which was discovered in the 18th century near Vesuvius in Italy,
and is now in the collection of the British Museum in London.
The Kleniewski family lived in the palace in Kluczkowice until 1942 when
their property was confiscated by the occupying Germans and handed over to
the SS. The family then left for Warsaw, taking with them only personal
In the same year, the palace became a place of convalescence for German
soldiers who had been injured at the front. After the war, the palace was
thoroughly looted and the collection of antiquities has been lost ever since.
The ancient figurines will be donated to the National Museum in Lublin after
further analysis.
L. Miechowicz
Historians now believe the family members hurriedly hid some of the precious
items in the grounds before leaving the palace.
Dr. Miechowicz said that he had been looking for traces of this collection
for years.
“Capturing traces of a valuable collection that was lost years ago is of
great importance for science, cultural heritage, and tourism,” he
The ancient figurines will be donated to the National Museum in Lublin after
further analysis.
歷史學家現在認為,這家人 在離開宮殿之前匆忙將一些珍貴物品藏在了庭院裡。
Miechowicz 博士說,他多年來一直在尋找這批藏品的踪跡 。
“捕捉多年前丟失的寶貴藏品的痕跡 對於科學、文化遺產和旅遊業具有重要意義,”他
這些雕像經過進一步分析後將捐贈給盧布林國家博物館 。
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