Re: [問卦] 幹你娘!真的有人想回到2008嗎?(發錢)

作者: CoreDown   2023-05-20 14:45:12
※ 引述《dodoro1 (show)》之銘言:
: 幹你娘!真的有人想回到2008~2016嗎?
: 最近版上一直有人說2008~2016生活比較好
: 騙笑啦
: 2008~2016
: 1.不缺蛋
: 2.不缺水
: 3.不缺電
: 4.不缺疫苗
: 5.不缺快篩
: 6.不缺雞肉
: 7.不缺口罩
: 而且罵高層不會被告 言論自由到爆炸
: 想靠北高層就靠北 
: 真的會有人懷念想回去2008~2016生活嗎?
: 偶很懷疑
: 每推10P
: 請問大家真的想回到2008~2016嗎????????
: 想回到到2008~2016八年前的+1
: 不想回到2008~2016八年前的+2
當初說台灣沒陸客會死 現在一堆外國人還拍YT
藍綠你們要怎麼搞 我是沒力量反抗啦
讓我連上個網 玩玩遊戲,看看論壇都要面對網軍的話
How to deal with armies on internet ?
Dealing with armies on the internet can be challenging, but here are some
suggestions on how to navigate such situations:
Stay calm: It's important to remain composed and avoid getting emotionally
charged when encountering an army on the internet. Responding with anger or
aggression will likely escalate the situation further.
Don't engage directly: Engaging in direct arguments or debates with an army
can often be unproductive. Their goal is typically to provoke and create
chaos. Instead, consider focusing on more constructive discussions or simply
disengaging from the conversation.
Maintain privacy and security: Protect your personal information and avoid
sharing any sensitive details online. Armies may try to gather personal
information to harass or intimidate you further, so be cautious about what
you reveal.
Block or mute: Most social media platforms provide options to block or mute
individuals. Utilize these features to limit your exposure to army members
and prevent them from directly contacting or interacting with you.
Report harassment: If you're experiencing harassment or threats, report the
individuals involved to the appropriate platform. Social media platforms have
mechanisms in place to address abusive behavior, and reporting can help bring
attention to the issue.
Seek support: If the situation becomes overwhelming or begins to affect you
emotionally, reach out to friends, family, or online communities for support.
Discussing your experiences with others who may have dealt with similar
situations can provide valuable advice and comfort.
Focus on positive interactions: Rather than dwelling on negative encounters,
prioritize positive engagements on the internet. Engage in communities and
discussions that align with your interests and values. Surrounding yourself
with supportive and like-minded individuals can help counterbalance any
negative experiences.
Remember, armies on the internet often thrive on attention and disruption. By
maintaining a level-headed approach and disengaging from their attempts to
provoke, you can minimize their impact on your online experience.

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