[新聞] 佛羅里達海灘驚現南北內戰古劍!

作者: STAV72 (刁民黨黨務主委)   2023-06-30 19:56:30
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Pensacola News Journal
Mollye Barrows
Relic or replica? Discovery of sword in sand on Pensacola Beach goes viral.
Mollye Barrows
Relic or replica? Discovery of sword in sand on Pensacola Beach goes viral.
Mollye Barrows
Pensacola News Journal
It wasn’t exactly King Arthur’s sword in a stone; more like a sword in the
sand that a man said he pulled from the surf on Pensacola Beach, but the
reaction has been almost as enthusiastic.
A post about the discovery on Facebook has gone viral with 33,000 reactions,
plus thousands of shares and comments, not 24 hours after it was posted on
The post included the comments of Patty Sacco, who said her husband found the
sword while looking for seashells about 30 yards out in the Gulf.
“The waters were pretty clear, and he saw part of the handle sticking out
from the sand,” Sacco said. “Pulled on it a couple times, and low and
behold a sword, lol.”
Facebook 上有關這一發現的貼文在周三發布後不到 24 小時就迅速獲得了 33,000 條反
該帖子包含帕蒂·薩科 (Patty Sacco) 的評論,她說她的丈夫在大約 30 碼的海灣尋找
Sacco continued, “We want to get it looked at and appraised before trying to
clean it up, so we don’t break it if it’s an actual historical artifact.”
Archaeologists at Florida Public Archaeology Network said they got an email
from Patty Sacco about the local couple’s discovery. They also posted about
the discovery on their social media.
“She reached out and she asked us what we thought about it but also what was
the legality of the situation,” said Nicole Grinnan, FPAN interim executive
director. “We haven’t heard back from her after we responded, so I don’t
know if she’s going to reach back out or if she’s busy with all these other
things going on, but based on the Facebook post, it looks like an 1840s, what
we call, a heavy cavalry sword. This would have been used by members of the
American military cavalry, typically. They’re riding on horseback, so it’s
usually more like a ceremonial piece.”
FPAN 臨時執行董事妮可·格林南 (Nicole Grinnan) 表示:“她聯繫了我們,詢問我們
對此有何看法,還詢問了這種情況的合法性。” “我們回復後還沒有收到她的回复,所
以我不知道她是否會回電,或者她是否正忙著處理所有其他事情,但根據 Facebook 的帖
子,這看起來像是 1840 年代的事情。” ,我們所說的重騎兵劍。通常,這將由美國軍
Since Sacco didn’t bring the sword for them to examine in-person they could
only evaluate the sword based on the picture she posted on social media, but
they did their best to answer her questions, even though they had some of
their own.
“We haven’t seen it in person so we can’t verify authenticity, but the
design seems to be in line with that particular style of sword,” Grinnan
said. “But it doesn’t look like it has been very heavily encrusted or
oxidized, which we would normally expect from a steel blade that has been in
salt water for over 150 years. If you Google this sword, you’ll find that
there are a lot of places that create replicas online, as well, so it’s
really hard to say one way or the other without actually seeing it in person,
because there are markers or stamps on the sword that we would look for to
determine if it was authentic or not.”
鹽水中浸泡了 150 多年的鋼刀片來說是這樣的。如果你用谷歌搜索這把劍,你會發現有
According to the historical timeline, Grinnan said it’s possible a Civil War
era sword like the one found could have been carried to the beach by a Union
soldier. During the Civil War, there were skirmishes between encampments of
Union soldiers and the Confederacy at Fort Pickens, on the west end of Santa
Rosa Island.
Not so much on the other end of the island, where archaeologists say they aren
’t aware of any Civil War fighting happening. If they knew where, exactly,
the sword surfaced on Pensacola Beach that could provide more clues.
Context like location and where artifacts are found in relation to other
features reveals as much or more than the relics themselves to
archaeologists, which is why they recommend people leave artifacts in place
when they find them.
“Our recommendation is typically that we leave things in place when we find
them, take a point or GPS coordinates, so that way we can tell the land
manager,” Grinnan explained. “But if the sword itself was part of a larger
archaeological site, say a shipwreck or something related to the battle that
took place on Santa Rosa Island or skirmish during the Civil War, then there
may be more down there. Really the value for archaeologists is where they
exist as a site.”
“我們的建議通常是,當我們找到東西時,將它們留在原處,獲取一個點或 GPS 坐標,

Local divers did, in fact, discover a shipwreck about 25 years ago off Fort
Pickens, but they didn’t know it at the time. They found an ornate brass
dolphin sticking up out of the sand under the surf. Underwater archaeologists
with the University of West Florida investigated and realized they had
stumbled upon the what was left of the Catherine, a sailing vessel driven
ashore by a storm in 1894.
Artifacts from the shipwreck are on public display at UWF’s Archaeology
事實上,大約 25 年前,當地潛水員確實在皮肯斯堡附近發現了一艘沉船,但他們當時並
考古學家進行了調查,發現他們偶然發現了凱瑟琳號的殘骸,這是一艘 1894 年被風暴衝
沉船中的文物正在 UWF考古研究所公開展出。
“There can be so much more underneath the sand,” said Grinnan, “because we
have such a highly dynamic coastline. And in that particular case, their
discovery of that shipwreck site added a wealth of knowledge about local
industry in Pensacola at the turn of the 20th Century.
Like so many others who have shared and commented on the sword, Grinnan is
happy about the discovery, especially since it has sparked a big interest and
excitement in local history. She hopes they get a chance to learn more about
the sword in the sand.
特殊的案例中,他們對沉船地點的發現增加了有關 20 世紀之交彭薩科拉當地工業的豐富
Online, Sacco indicated she might give an update.
“Wow! No idea there would be this much response!” Sacco said in the post. “
We want to get it looked at to assess what it actually is, first…I will
update when we find out!”
If you do find what you think could be a historical artifact, you can email
Florida Public Archaeology Network by visiting their website.
“哇!沒想到會有這麼大的反應!” 薩科在貼文中說道。“我們希望首先對其進行檢查
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