A6 (çŸID真好)
2023-07-03 11:33:31※ 引述《autokey (該起床啦)》之銘言:
: 公園是大家的公園
: 身處民主自由的台灣
: 公園是大家休閒的一塊淨土
美國加州 有這麼一條
(a) Any person possessing any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing any
alcoholic beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of
which have been partially removed, in any city, county, or city and county
owned park or other city, county, or city and county owned public place, or
any recreation and park district, or any regional park or open-space district
shall be guilty of an infraction if the city, county, or city and county has
enacted an ordinance that prohibits the possession of those containers in
those areas or the consumption of alcoholic beverages in those areas.
其國家和地區 在Open-container law 上都有相應規定