※ 引述《usnavyseal (usmarine2008)》之銘言:
: 路透:台灣申請加入CPTPP密件疑遭外洩 國安局證實正徹查
: https://bccnews.com.tw/archives/462524
: 6.備註:
: 怎麼又是外媒先知道
[新聞] 臺灣正在輸掉與中國的間諜戰
There is also a longstanding issue concerning Taipei’s ability to spy on
the mainland. More than one informed source told us that Beijing knows much
more about what is happening in Taiwan than Taipei understands events in
the People’s Republic. Resident intelligence officers from the
so-called Five Eyes countries (the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia,
and New Zealand) joke that if you want Beijing to know something,
tell the Taiwan government; it will be on Xi Jinping’s desk the next morning.
心得:真的不用怪美國不賣F35 ~"~