Tesla told in New York Herald: I prefer to be remembered as the inventor who
succeeded in abolishing war. That will be my highest pride.
(in middle section)
縮址: https://reurl.cc/8j803X
Albert Einstein: The release of atom power has changed everything except our
way of thinking... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind.
If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker.
愛因斯是後悔的!!! 當時特斯拉已有警告他了
以為自己成品很有成就感的名人 在沒考慮清楚的情況下就發布 都會後悔
※ 引述《G2S (呂雅筑)》之銘言:
: 不只在新墨西哥的試爆成功
: 還丟了兩顆在日本本土
: https://i.imgur.com/ek95del.jpg
: 要是日本再晚一點投降還會有第三顆
: 倒是床戲來的很突兀
: 進行到一半還拿起書架上的梵文書閱讀
: 好在IMAX讓床戲畫面依然震撼
: 名導就是能用超貴的IMAX底片拍床戲
: 諾蘭的床戲是不是剪掉會比較好啊?