applebg (數學不及格)
2023-09-04 16:32:13※ 引述《Shadou (雪刀)》之銘言:
: The intention of teaching in English is good but ignores the difficulty of imp
: lementation.
Yes, the major implementation constraint is that teachers are not ready to
teach in English yet.
: Generally, it is good enough to be able to communicate in English in daily lif
: e.
It is hard even for university students to communicate in English, let alone
elementary school students. We need all-English environment.
: Forcing the teaching of professional subjects in English in schools is difficu
: lt for children and teachers.
Cannot agree on this more.
: How much should a teacher who can teach professional subjects in English be pa
: id?
Some foreign teachers revealed that their monthly wage in BuXiBan was roughly 2
times the amount that local teachers earned.
: Many university professors do not have sufficient English skills to teach
: in English.
This remark is also true. It is because we did not have the right environment
to adapt to. People did not need English to be able to live in Taiwan.
: The result of doing it reluctantly is that the teaching effect in English and
: majors is not good.
After I graduated from college, I found a BuXiBan job that only offered me
minimum wage. There was little demand in learning foreign languages. If you
check statistics, you'd find that education service is the industry that pays
the least amount of wage to employees.
: But considering Taiwan’s geographical location and current economic situation
: , bilingual skills are indeed very important and a way to increase Taiwan’s c
: ompetitiveness.
Most people should rely on well-trained translators/interpreters. Division of
labor is the key to economic growth.
: Although it is difficult to start, corrections can be made in the process, but
: this direction should not stop.
I disagree on this. To be able to speak English without the proper environment,
the learners have to be somewhat gifted in learning languages. People should
not expect that their kids are gifted, because IQ complies normal distribution
. That means some people will never be able to learn English well.
: 採用英語教學的立意是良善的
: 但忽略了執行的困難度
: 一般能做到用英語在日常生活對話就已經很好了
: 強迫在學校的專業科目採用英語教學
: 對小孩子來說是很困難的 對老師也是
: 一個能用英文教學專業科目的老師薪水應該要多少
: 很多大學教授的英文能力都不足以用英文教學
: 勉強為之的結果就是英文跟專業的教學效果都不好
: 但以台灣的地理位置及經濟現況來說
: 雙語能力的確是非常重要的 能增加台灣競爭力的一個方式
: 開始儘管很難 在過程中可以進行修正 但這個方向不應該停止
As I study in gradschool, I often can encounter the professors who are
assigned to teach in English. But judging from my personal experience,
their professionalism is usually impeded by the fact that they are not
allowed to teach in Mandarin. Some scholars have already warned us about
the possibility that in the future kids will lose competitiveness. I think
we should listen.