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2024-06-07 18:29:07備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
作者:Jessie Yeung和 Himari Semans,CNN
Japan’s births just fell to a new record low. Tokyo hopes a dating app can
turn that around
Japan’s births just fell to a new record low. Tokyo hopes a dating app can
turn that around
Jessie Yeung
By Jessie Yeung and Himari Semans, CNN
4 minute read
Published 1:29 AM EDT, Fri June 7, 2024
Babies attend an event in Tokyo, Japan, on April 28, 2024. Philip
Fong/AFP/Getty Images/File
Japan’s fertility rate, which has seen a precipitous fall for many years,
has reached another record low as the government ramps up efforts to
encourage young people to get married and start families — even launching
its own dating app.
2024 年 4 月 28 日,嬰兒們參加在日本東京舉行的活動。 菲利普·方/法新社/蓋蒂圖
隨著政府加強鼓勵年輕人結婚成家,甚至推出自己的約會應用程序, 多年來急劇下降 的
The nation of 123.9 million people only recorded 727,277 births last year,
according to new data released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
on Friday. The fertility rate – defined as the total number of births a
woman has in her lifetime – dropped from 1.26 to 1.20.
For a population to remain stable, it needs a fertility rate of 2.1. Anything
above that will see a population expand, with a large proportion of children
and young adults, as seen in India and many African nations.
根據厚生勞動省週五發布的新數據,這個擁有 1.239 億人口的國家去年的出生人數僅為
727,277 人。生育率(定義為女性一生中生育的 總數)從 1.26 下降至 1.20。
But in Japan, the fertility rate has been well below that stable marker of
2.1 for half a century, experts say – it fell below that level after the
1973 global oil crisis pushed economies into recession, and never recovered.
The downward trend has accelerated in recent years, with the number of deaths
overtaking births each year and causing the total population to shrink –
with far-reaching consequences for Japan’s workforce, economy, welfare
system and social fabric.
但專家表示,日本的生育率半個世紀以來遠低於 2.1 的穩定水平——1973 年全球石油危
近年來, 下降趨勢加速,死亡人數每年超過出生人數,導致總人口萎縮,對日本的勞動
力、經濟、福利制度和社會結構 產生深遠影響。
In 2023, the country recorded 1.57 million deaths, according to the Health
Ministry – more than double the number of births.
And Japan’s not having much matrimonial luck, either – the number of
marriages fell by 30,000 last year, while the number of divorces rose.
據衛生部稱,2023 年,該國死亡人數為 157 萬人,是出生人數的兩倍多。
Experts say the decline is expected to continue for at least several decades
and is to some extent irreversible due to the country’s population
structure. Even if Japan were to boost its fertility rate tomorrow, its
population will keep falling until the skewed ratio of young people to older
adults balances out.
Still, the government is now racing to soften the impact, launching new
government agencies to focus specifically on this problem. It has launched
initiatives such as expanding child care facilities, offering housing
subsidies to parents, and in some towns, even paying couples to have children.
In the capital Tokyo, local officials are trying a new tack: launching a
government-run dating app, which is in early testing phases and will be fully
operational later this year.
“Please use it as ‘the first step’ to begin marriage hunting,” the app’s
website says, adding that the AI-matchmaking system is provided by the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government.
Users are asked to take a “values diagnostic test” but there’s also an
option to put in the desired traits of a future partner.
“Based on your values and the values you seek in a partner, which can be
determined by taking a diagnostic test, AI will introduce you to a compatible
person,” it said. “What cannot be measured by appearance or conditions
alone may lead to unexpected encounters.”
將為你介紹一個相容的人,」它說。 “僅憑外表或條件無法衡量的東西,可能會帶來意
The app even caught the eye of billionaire Elon Musk, who wrote on X,
formerly Twitter: “I’m glad the government of Japan recognizes the
importance of this matter. If radical action isn’t taken, Japan (and many
other countries) will disappear!”
Experts have told CNN this scenario is unlikely – the fertility rate is
expected to even out at some point, and the country will adjust. Japan may
look very different at that point, from its demographic makeup to its economy
and domestic policies, but it won’t simply vanish.
這款應用程式甚至引起了億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克的注意,他在 X(前 Twitter)上寫道:「
“Marriage is a decision based on one’s own values, but the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government is working to build momentum for marriage so that
those who think they ‘intend to get married eventually’ can take that first
step,” says the dating app’s website.
Users must be single, over 18 years old “with a desire to get married,” and
be living or working in Tokyo, the website says.
該網站稱,用戶必須是單身、年滿 18 歲、“有結婚願望”,並且在東京生活或工作。
It also lists the government’s other measures to support couples – such as
providing information on work-life balance, child care and housing support,
men’s participation in housework and child-rearing, and career counseling.
“We hope that every single one of you who wishes to get married will think
about what being in a ‘couple’ means to you,” it says.
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