A.Which sorting method is the fastest one in average case?
1.merge sort 2.heap sort 3.quick sort 4.radix sort 5.bubble sort
B.randomized quicksort和quicksort的recurrence and solutin?
quicksort有分average and worst 那跟randomized差在哪呢??
C.Consider the failure function defined as below.Show the values of
f(o),f(1)...,f(5) of string p0p1p2p3p4p5=ababaa
f(j)={largest 0<=i<j such that p0...pi=pj-1...pj and pi+1 != pj+1
-1 if there is no i>=o satisfying above }
Ans: a b a b a a
-1 -1 0 1 2 0
希望各位幫我解惑 先謝謝了!