About the performance analysis ,which of the following statement(s) should
be true ?
A. Assume that a C program is compiled into 1000 machine instruction,
which are related to the size of the executable file.
Then, the average execution time is usually equal to multiplying
1000(instructions) by its average CPI and the clock cycle time.
B. In evaluating the performance by using the benchmark tests , we
usually use the geometric mean to calculate the average value
among various test result.
C. MIPS is not reliable metric since it provide the wrong result when
we compare the performance of a compiled program running on two
machine with the same instruction set architecture.
D. It's usually a preffered approach to consider only one of the three
factors: clock rate , CPI or the instruction count , and then try
to improve it to decrease the execution time.
That is called a divide-and-conquer methodology.
E. None of above it .