CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了)
2021-11-09 16:18:471st Korean Applied Linguistics Conference
Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA, USA
Feb 25-26, virtual conference
The Penn State Institute for Korean Studies is hosting the 1st Korean Applied
Linguistics conference, Innovative Perspectives, Methodologies, and Approaches
in Korean Applied Linguistics.
Theme: Innovative Perspectives, Methodologies, and Approaches in Korean
Applied Linguistics
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Danielle O. Pyun (Ohio State University), Dr. Susan
Strauss (Penn State University), Dr. Jongoh Eun (DLI), and Hyunwoo Sun (Talk
to me in Korean CEO and Developer)
With the growing enrollments in Korean programs and advances in Korean as a
second language (KSL) theories, KSL has emerged as an independent academic
discipline within the field of second/foreign language studies. It is,
therefore, timely to bring researchers and practitioners together to define
the field and present the latest research in KSL. The aim of the conference is
to create a venue to present critical accounts of cutting-edge research
within the field of KSL and its major subfields.
Call for Papers:
Deadline for Submission: December 15, 2021
Notification of results: January 7, 2022
We ask prospective speakers to submit their proposals on any topic that
addresses the general objective of the conference. The organizing committee
welcomes abstract submissions for 20-minute oral presentations and poster
presentations. Abstracts addressing any aspect of Korean Applied Linguistics
in higher education are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Korean second language acquisition
- Discourse analysis/critical discourse analysis
- Conversation analysis
- Language and society
- Cognitive linguistics
- Pragmatics
- Linguistic perspectives on Korean diaspora/ Linguistic landscape
- General linguistics and its implications for KSL teaching
- Language assessment
- Corpus linguistics and learner corpora in KSL
- Technology-enhanced language learning
For more information and abstract submission, please visit