杜琪峯:想為雨傘革命拍電影 但憂「有後果」
香港名導杜琪峯接受英國文化藝術雜誌《The Skinny》專訪,形容參與雨傘革命的年輕人
杜琪峯日前出席愛丁堡國際電影節,接受《The Skinny》專訪。在專訪中,杜琪峯表示自
己心底裏很想為雨傘革命(他使用 "Revolution" 一詞來形容這次運動)拍攝一部電影,
"I do feel that what those students and young people did was show a huge
respect for Hong Kong and its future. Whether or not I want to make a film
about this happening – if I answer from my heart then yes, I would say I
would definitely want to, in the same way that I would really love to make
the third part of the Election trilogy. However, if we had to do this right
now, right in this moment, I think it would have some sort of consequences
for my company.”
"This story and this moral element of what happened during the Umbrella
Revolution and what it means for Hong Kong will always be in my head, will
always be in my memory and my imagination, and it will definitely appear in
my films in the future."
個世界都正受中國影響。」他以自己首部內地票房破億作品、2012 年的《毒戰》為例:
“If you just make them for the Hong Kong audience you have to make a small
film. To the extent that if you want to make a film in China there are
investors who are willing to pay…” The interpreter stalls him, confirms the
figure, utters a pronounced“wow”and continues. “…100,000,000 HKD (well
over eight million Sterling) to make one film, whereas in Hong Kong you can't
even get an investor for 10 million HKD.”
"In terms of cinema, how is China influencing Hong Kong?”he continues,
flowing more freely on the political than the personal earlier on in our
interview. “I think the biggest problem is that you are seeing less and less
free Hong Kong cinema. You cannot make a film in China and be completely
free. You can still do it in Hong Kong but you can't in China. At the minute
Hong Kong cinema is still completely free and you have artistic license to do
what you want. But the news already, a lot of it is false and no longer
[contains] freedom of speech, it is completely whatever they want to tell you.