Blizzard have introduced the price list for 23 heroes as of now in the
current development stage of technical alpha for their newest game title,
Heroes of the Storm. Ranging from $3.99 to $9.99, Blizzard offers a variety
of heroes at our disposal. You can also unlock heroes with the in-game
currency by completing a series of quests.
The hero price list are as follows:
$3.99 (約121 NT)
Demon Hunter 狩魔獵人
Malfurion 瑪法理恩
Muradin 穆拉丁
Raynor 雷諾
$7.99 (約242 NT)
Arthas 阿薩斯
Barbarian 野蠻人
Diablo 迪亞布羅
ETC 精英牛頭大佬
Falstad 弗斯塔德
Gazlowe 加茲魯維
Illidan 伊利丹
Sgt. Hammer 攻城坦克
Tassadar 塔薩達
Tychus 泰克斯
Tyrael 泰瑞爾
Tyrande 泰蘭妲
Uther 烏瑟
Zeratul 澤拉圖
$9.99 (約303 NT)
Abathur 阿巴瑟
Kerrigan 凱莉根
Nova 諾娃
Stitches 縫補者
Witch Doctor 巫醫
貴的 9.99 都是好玩的 可惡 想玩