[煩耶] The feeling I hate so much...

作者: johnny7916 (阿健)   2014-07-20 23:53:53
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There are double F in my mind,one is Freedom,the other one is Friend.
Sometimes it is hard to make a choice.
Sometimes I want a time to get away from the busy world in the lab.
Sometimes I want a Friend to watch a movie and eat meals.
I really hate the feelings that make me feel upset.
Maybe I need to change my personality or make a friend that is like me....
作者: kokus (kokus)   2014-07-21 00:04:00
作者: MadeInChina (中國製造™)   2014-07-21 00:10:00
作者: wineychen (wineychen)   2014-07-21 00:14:00
Now....go out and go for eating something with someone in the lab..
作者: kokus (kokus)   2014-07-21 00:17:00
作者: johnny7916 (阿健)   2014-07-21 00:23:00
thanks for everyone's advice.maybe sleep is thebest way.Tomorrow everything will be fine^0^~
作者: kokus (kokus)   2014-07-21 00:25:00
i cann't agree with you any more

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